/* sbt -- Simple Build Tool
 * Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010 Mark Harrah
package sbt

import java.io.{File,FileOutputStream}
import java.util.concurrent.Callable

/** A component manager provides access to the pieces of xsbt that are distributed as components.
* There are two types of components.  The first type is compiled subproject jars with their dependencies.
* The second type is a subproject distributed as a source jar so that it can be compiled against a specific
* version of Scala.
* The component manager provides services to install and retrieve components to the local repository.
* This is used for compiled source jars so that the compilation need not be repeated for other projects on the same
* machine.
class ComponentManager(globalLock: xsbti.GlobalLock, provider: xsbti.ComponentProvider, ivyHome: Option[File], val log: Logger)
	private[this] val ivyCache = new IvyCache(ivyHome)
	/** Get all of the files for component 'id', throwing an exception if no files exist for the component. */
	def files(id: String)(ifMissing: IfMissing): Iterable[File] =
		def fromGlobal =
			lockGlobalCache {
				try { update(id); getOrElse(createAndCache) }
				catch { case e: NotInCache => createAndCache }
		def getOrElse(orElse: => Iterable[File]): Iterable[File] =
			val existing = provider.component(id)
			if(existing.isEmpty) orElse else existing
		def notFound = invalid("Could not find required component '" + id + "'")
		def createAndCache =
			ifMissing match {
				case IfMissing.Fail => notFound
				case d: IfMissing.Define =>
					if(d.cache) cache(id)

		lockLocalCache { getOrElse(fromGlobal) }
	/** This is used to lock the local cache in project/boot/.  By checking the local cache first, we can avoid grabbing a global lock. */
	private def lockLocalCache[T](action: => T): T = lock(provider.lockFile)( action )
	/** This is used to ensure atomic access to components in the global Ivy cache.*/
	private def lockGlobalCache[T](action: => T): T = lock(ivyCache.lockFile)( action )
	private def lock[T](file: File)(action: => T): T = globalLock(file, new Callable[T] { def call = action })
	/** Get the file for component 'id', throwing an exception if no files or multiple files exist for the component. */
	def file(id: String)(ifMissing: IfMissing): File =
		files(id)(ifMissing).toList match {
			case x :: Nil => x
			case xs => invalid("Expected single file for component '" + id + "', found: " + xs.mkString(", "))
	private def invalid(msg: String) = throw new InvalidComponent(msg)
	private def invalid(e: NotInCache) = throw new InvalidComponent(e.getMessage, e)

	def define(id: String, files: Iterable[File]) = lockLocalCache { provider.defineComponent(id, files.toSeq.toArray) }
	/** Retrieve the file for component 'id' from the local repository. */
	private def update(id: String): Unit = ivyCache.withCachedJar(sbtModuleID(id), Some(globalLock), log)(jar => define(id, Seq(jar)) )

	private def sbtModuleID(id: String) = ModuleID(SbtArtifacts.Organization, id, ComponentManager.stampedVersion)
	/** Install the files for component 'id' to the local repository.  This is usually used after writing files to the directory returned by 'location'. */
	def cache(id: String): Unit = ivyCache.cacheJar(sbtModuleID(id), file(id)(IfMissing.Fail), Some(globalLock), log)
	def clearCache(id: String): Unit = lockGlobalCache { ivyCache.clearCachedJar(sbtModuleID(id), Some(globalLock), log) }
class InvalidComponent(msg: String, cause: Throwable) extends RuntimeException(msg, cause)
	def this(msg: String) = this(msg, null)
sealed trait IfMissing extends NotNull
object IfMissing
	object Fail extends IfMissing
	final class Define(val cache: Boolean, define: => Unit) extends IfMissing { def apply() = define }
object ComponentManager
	lazy val (version, timestamp) =
		val properties = new java.util.Properties
		val propertiesStream = versionResource.openStream
		try { properties.load(propertiesStream) } finally { propertiesStream.close() }
		(properties.getProperty("version"), properties.getProperty("timestamp"))
	lazy val stampedVersion = version + "_" + timestamp

	import java.net.URL
	private def versionResource: URL = getClass.getResource("/xsbt.version.properties")