/* sbt -- Simple Build Tool
 * Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010  Mark Harrah
package sbt

import java.io.File
import java.net.{URI, URL}
import scala.xml.NodeSeq
import org.apache.ivy.plugins.resolver.{DependencyResolver, IBiblioResolver}
import org.apache.ivy.util.url.CredentialsStore

final case class ModuleID(organization: String, name: String, revision: String, configurations: Option[String] = None, isChanging: Boolean = false, isTransitive: Boolean = true, isForce: Boolean = false, explicitArtifacts: Seq[Artifact] = Nil, exclusions: Seq[ExclusionRule] = Nil, extraAttributes: Map[String,String] = Map.empty, crossVersion: CrossVersion = CrossVersion.Disabled)
	override def toString =
		organization + ":" + name + ":" + revision +
		(configurations match { case Some(s) => ":" + s; case None => "" }) +
		(if(extraAttributes.isEmpty) "" else " " + extraString)
	def extraString = extraAttributes.map { case (k,v) => k + "=" + v } mkString("(",", ",")")

	@deprecated("Use `cross(CrossVersion)`, the variant accepting a CrossVersion value constructed by a member of the CrossVersion object instead.", "0.12.0")
	def cross(v: Boolean): ModuleID = cross(if(v) CrossVersion.binary else CrossVersion.Disabled)
	@deprecated("Use `cross(CrossVersion)`, the variant accepting a CrossVersion value constructed by a member of the CrossVersion object instead.", "0.12.0")
	def cross(v: Boolean, verRemap: String => String): ModuleID = cross(if(v) CrossVersion.binaryMapped(verRemap) else CrossVersion.Disabled)

	def cross(v: CrossVersion): ModuleID = copy(crossVersion = v)

	// () required for chaining
	def notTransitive() = intransitive()
	def intransitive() = copy(isTransitive = false)
	def changing() = copy(isChanging = true)
	def force() = copy(isForce = true)
	def from(url: String) = artifacts(Artifact(name, new URL(url)))
	def classifier(c: String) = artifacts(Artifact(name, c))
	def artifacts(newArtifacts: Artifact*) = copy(explicitArtifacts = newArtifacts ++ this.explicitArtifacts)
	def excludeAll(rules: ExclusionRule*) = copy(exclusions = this.exclusions ++ rules)
	def exclude(org: String, name: String) = excludeAll(ExclusionRule(org, name))
	def extra(attributes: (String,String)*) = copy(extraAttributes = this.extraAttributes ++ ModuleID.checkE(attributes))
	def sources() = artifacts(Artifact.sources(name))
	def javadoc() = artifacts(Artifact.javadoc(name))
	def withSources() = jarIfEmpty.sources()
	def withJavadoc() = jarIfEmpty.javadoc()
	private def jarIfEmpty = if(explicitArtifacts.isEmpty) jar() else this
	def jar() = artifacts(Artifact(name))
object ModuleID
	def checkE(attributes: Seq[(String, String)]) =
		for ( (key, value) <- attributes) yield
			if(key.startsWith("e:")) (key, value) else ("e:" + key, value)
/** Additional information about a project module */
case class ModuleInfo(nameFormal: String, description: String = "", homepage: Option[URL] = None, startYear: Option[Int] = None, licenses: Seq[(String, URL)] = Nil, organizationName: String = "", organizationHomepage: Option[URL] = None, scmInfo: Option[ScmInfo] = None)
	def formally(name: String) = copy(nameFormal = name)
	def describing(desc: String, home: Option[URL]) = copy(description = desc, homepage = home)
	def licensed(lics: (String, URL)*) = copy(licenses = lics)
	def organization(name: String, home: Option[URL]) = copy(organizationName = name, organizationHomepage = home)
/** Basic SCM information for a project module */
case class ScmInfo(browseUrl: URL, connection: String, devConnection: Option[String] = None)
/** Rule to exclude unwanted dependencies pulled in transitively by a module. */
case class ExclusionRule(organization: String = "*", name: String = "*", artifact: String = "*", configurations: Seq[String] = Nil)
sealed trait Resolver
	def name: String
final class RawRepository(val resolver: DependencyResolver) extends Resolver
	def name = resolver.getName
	override def toString = "Raw(" + resolver.toString + ")"
sealed case class ChainedResolver(name: String, resolvers: Seq[Resolver]) extends Resolver
sealed case class MavenRepository(name: String, root: String) extends Resolver
	override def toString = name + ": " + root

final class Patterns(val ivyPatterns: Seq[String], val artifactPatterns: Seq[String], val isMavenCompatible: Boolean)
	private[sbt] def mavenStyle(): Patterns = Patterns(ivyPatterns, artifactPatterns, true)
	private[sbt] def withIvys(patterns: Seq[String]): Patterns = Patterns(patterns ++ ivyPatterns, artifactPatterns, isMavenCompatible)
	private[sbt] def withArtifacts(patterns: Seq[String]): Patterns = Patterns(ivyPatterns, patterns ++ artifactPatterns, isMavenCompatible)
object Patterns
	implicit def defaultPatterns: Patterns = Resolver.defaultPatterns

	def apply(artifactPatterns: String*): Patterns = Patterns(true, artifactPatterns : _*)
	def apply(isMavenCompatible: Boolean, artifactPatterns: String*): Patterns = Patterns(artifactPatterns, artifactPatterns, isMavenCompatible)
	def apply(ivyPatterns: Seq[String], artifactPatterns: Seq[String], isMavenCompatible: Boolean): Patterns = new Patterns(ivyPatterns, artifactPatterns, isMavenCompatible)
object RepositoryHelpers
	final case class SshConnection(authentication: Option[SshAuthentication], hostname: Option[String], port: Option[Int])
		def copy(authentication: Option[SshAuthentication]) = SshConnection(authentication, hostname, port)
	/** Configuration specific to an Ivy filesystem resolver. */
	final case class FileConfiguration(isLocal: Boolean, isTransactional: Option[Boolean])
		def transactional() = FileConfiguration(isLocal, Some(true))
		def nontransactional() = FileConfiguration(isLocal, Some(false))
		def nonlocal() = FileConfiguration(false, isTransactional)
	sealed trait SshAuthentication extends NotNull
	final case class PasswordAuthentication(user: String, password: Option[String]) extends SshAuthentication
	final case class KeyFileAuthentication(user: String, keyfile: File, password: Option[String]) extends SshAuthentication
import RepositoryHelpers.{SshConnection, FileConfiguration}
import RepositoryHelpers.{KeyFileAuthentication, PasswordAuthentication, SshAuthentication}

/** sbt interface to an Ivy repository based on patterns, which is most Ivy repositories.*/
sealed abstract class PatternsBasedRepository extends Resolver
	type RepositoryType <: PatternsBasedRepository
	/** Should be implemented to create a new copy of this repository but with `patterns` as given.*/
	protected def copy(patterns: Patterns): RepositoryType

	/** The object representing the configured patterns for this repository. */
	def patterns: Patterns

	/** Enables maven 2 compatibility for this repository. */
	def mavenStyle() = copy(patterns.mavenStyle())
	/** Adds the given patterns for resolving/publishing Ivy files.*/
	def ivys(ivyPatterns: String*): RepositoryType = copy(patterns.withIvys(ivyPatterns))
	/** Adds the given patterns for resolving/publishing artifacts.*/
	def artifacts(artifactPatterns: String*): RepositoryType = copy(patterns.withArtifacts(artifactPatterns))
/** sbt interface for an Ivy filesystem repository.  More convenient construction is done using Resolver.file.  */
final case class FileRepository(name: String, configuration: FileConfiguration, patterns: Patterns) extends PatternsBasedRepository
	type RepositoryType = FileRepository
	protected def copy(patterns: Patterns): FileRepository = FileRepository(name, configuration, patterns)
	private def copy(configuration: FileConfiguration) = FileRepository(name, configuration, patterns)
	def transactional() = copy(configuration.transactional())
	def nonlocal() = copy(configuration.nonlocal())
final case class URLRepository(name: String, patterns: Patterns) extends PatternsBasedRepository
	type RepositoryType = URLRepository
	protected def copy(patterns: Patterns): URLRepository = URLRepository(name, patterns)
/** sbt interface for an Ivy ssh-based repository (ssh and sftp).  Requires the Jsch library.. */
sealed abstract class SshBasedRepository extends PatternsBasedRepository
	type RepositoryType <: SshBasedRepository
	protected def copy(connection: SshConnection): RepositoryType
	private def copy(authentication: SshAuthentication): RepositoryType = copy(connection.copy(Some(authentication)))

	/** The object representing the configured ssh connection for this repository. */
	def connection: SshConnection

	/** Configures this to use the specified user name and password when connecting to the remote repository. */
	def as(user: String, password: String): RepositoryType = as(user, Some(password))
	def as(user: String): RepositoryType = as(user, None)
	def as(user: String, password: Option[String]) = copy(new PasswordAuthentication(user, password))
	/** Configures this to use the specified keyfile and password for the keyfile when connecting to the remote repository. */
	def as(user: String, keyfile: File): RepositoryType = as(user, keyfile, None)
	def as(user: String, keyfile: File, password: String): RepositoryType = as(user, keyfile, Some(password))
	def as(user: String, keyfile: File, password: Option[String]): RepositoryType = copy(new KeyFileAuthentication(user, keyfile, password))
/** sbt interface for an Ivy repository over ssh.  More convenient construction is done using Resolver.ssh.  */
final case class SshRepository(name: String, connection: SshConnection, patterns: Patterns, publishPermissions: Option[String]) extends SshBasedRepository
	type RepositoryType = SshRepository
	protected def copy(patterns: Patterns): SshRepository = SshRepository(name, connection, patterns, publishPermissions)
	protected def copy(connection: SshConnection): SshRepository = SshRepository(name, connection, patterns, publishPermissions)
	/** Defines the permissions to set when publishing to this repository. */
	def withPermissions(publishPermissions: String): SshRepository = withPermissions(Some(publishPermissions))
	def withPermissions(publishPermissions: Option[String]): SshRepository = SshRepository(name, connection, patterns, publishPermissions)
/** sbt interface for an Ivy repository over sftp.  More convenient construction is done using Resolver.sftp.  */
final case class SftpRepository(name: String, connection: SshConnection, patterns: Patterns) extends SshBasedRepository
	type RepositoryType = SftpRepository
	protected def copy(patterns: Patterns): SftpRepository = SftpRepository(name, connection, patterns)
	protected def copy(connection: SshConnection): SftpRepository = SftpRepository(name, connection, patterns)

import Resolver._
@deprecated("Maven repository at scala-tools.org is being phased out, consider using an alternative resolver", "0.11.3")
object ScalaToolsReleases extends MavenRepository(ScalaToolsReleasesName, ScalaToolsReleasesRoot)
@deprecated("Maven repository at scala-tools.org is being phased out, consider using an alternative resolver", "0.11.3")
object ScalaToolsSnapshots extends MavenRepository(ScalaToolsSnapshotsName, ScalaToolsSnapshotsRoot)
object DefaultMavenRepository extends MavenRepository("public", IBiblioResolver.DEFAULT_M2_ROOT)
object JavaNet2Repository extends MavenRepository(JavaNet2RepositoryName, JavaNet2RepositoryRoot)
object JavaNet1Repository extends JavaNet1Repository
sealed trait JavaNet1Repository extends Resolver
	def name = "java.net Maven1 Repository"

object Resolver
	val TypesafeRepositoryRoot = "http://repo.typesafe.com/typesafe"
	val SbtPluginRepositoryRoot = "http://scalasbt.artifactoryonline.com/scalasbt"
	val SonatypeRepositoryRoot = "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories"
	@deprecated("Maven repository at scala-tools.org is being phased out, consider using an alternative resolver", "0.11.3")
	val ScalaToolsReleasesName = "Sonatype OSS Releases"
	@deprecated("Maven repository at scala-tools.org is being phased out, consider using an alternative resolver", "0.11.3")
	val ScalaToolsSnapshotsName = "Sonatype OSS Snapshots"
	@deprecated("Maven repository at scala-tools.org is being phased out, consider using an alternative resolver", "0.11.3")
	val ScalaToolsReleasesRoot = SonatypeRepositoryRoot + "/releases"
	@deprecated("Maven repository at scala-tools.org is being phased out, consider using an alternative resolver", "0.11.3")
	val ScalaToolsSnapshotsRoot = SonatypeRepositoryRoot + "/snapshots"
	val JavaNet2RepositoryName = "java.net Maven2 Repository"
	val JavaNet2RepositoryRoot = "http://download.java.net/maven/2"

	def typesafeRepo(status: String) = new MavenRepository("typesafe-" + status, TypesafeRepositoryRoot + "/" + status)
	def typesafeIvyRepo(status: String) = url("typesafe-ivy-" + status, new URL(TypesafeRepositoryRoot + "/ivy-" + status + "/"))(ivyStylePatterns)
	def sbtPluginRepo(status: String) = url("sbt-plugin-" + status, new URL(SbtPluginRepositoryRoot + "/sbt-plugin-" + status + "/"))(ivyStylePatterns)
	def sonatypeRepo(status: String) = new MavenRepository("sonatype-" + status, SonatypeRepositoryRoot + "/" + status)

	/** Add the local and Maven Central repositories to the user repositories.  */
	def withDefaultResolvers(userResolvers: Seq[Resolver]): Seq[Resolver] =
		withDefaultResolvers(userResolvers, true)
	/** Add the local Ivy repository to the user repositories.
	* If `mavenCentral` is true, add the Maven Central repository.  */
	def withDefaultResolvers(userResolvers: Seq[Resolver], mavenCentral: Boolean): Seq[Resolver] =
		Seq(Resolver.defaultLocal) ++
		userResolvers ++
		single(DefaultMavenRepository, mavenCentral)
	private def single[T](value: T, nonEmpty: Boolean): Seq[T] = if(nonEmpty) Seq(value) else Nil

	/** A base class for defining factories for interfaces to Ivy repositories that require a hostname , port, and patterns.  */
	sealed abstract class Define[RepositoryType <: SshBasedRepository] extends NotNull
		/** Subclasses should implement this method to */
		protected def construct(name: String, connection: SshConnection, patterns: Patterns): RepositoryType
		/** Constructs this repository type with the given `name`.  `basePatterns` are the initial patterns to use.  A ManagedProject
		* has an implicit defining these initial patterns based on a setting for either Maven or Ivy style patterns.*/
		def apply(name: String)(implicit basePatterns: Patterns): RepositoryType =
			apply(name, None, None, None)
		/** Constructs this repository type with the given `name` and `hostname`.  `basePatterns` are the initial patterns to use.
		* A ManagedProject has an implicit defining these initial patterns based on a setting for either Maven or Ivy style patterns.*/
		def apply(name: String, hostname: String)(implicit basePatterns: Patterns): RepositoryType =
			apply(name, Some(hostname), None, None)
		/** Constructs this repository type with the given `name`, `hostname`, and the `basePath` against which the initial
		* patterns will be resolved.  `basePatterns` are the initial patterns to use.
		* A ManagedProject has an implicit defining these initial patterns based on a setting for either Maven or Ivy style patterns.*/
		def apply(name: String, hostname: String, basePath: String)(implicit basePatterns: Patterns): RepositoryType =
			apply(name, Some(hostname), None, Some(basePath))
		/** Constructs this repository type with the given `name`, `hostname`, and `port`.  `basePatterns` are the initial patterns to use.
		* A ManagedProject has an implicit defining these initial patterns based on a setting for either Maven or Ivy style patterns.*/
		def apply(name: String, hostname: String, port: Int)(implicit basePatterns: Patterns): RepositoryType =
			apply(name, Some(hostname), Some(port), None)
		/** Constructs this repository type with the given `name`, `hostname`, `port`, and the `basePath` against which the initial
		* patterns will be resolved.  `basePatterns` are the initial patterns to use.
		* A ManagedProject has an implicit defining these initial patterns based on a setting for either Maven or Ivy style patterns.*/
		def apply(name: String, hostname: String, port: Int, basePath: String)(implicit basePatterns: Patterns): RepositoryType =
			apply(name, Some(hostname), Some(port), Some(basePath))
		/** Constructs this repository type with the given `name`, `hostname`, `port`, and the `basePath` against which the initial
		* patterns will be resolved.  `basePatterns` are the initial patterns to use.  All but the `name` are optional (use None).
		* A ManagedProject has an implicit defining these initial patterns based on a setting for either Maven or Ivy style patterns.*/
		def apply(name: String, hostname: Option[String], port: Option[Int], basePath: Option[String])(implicit basePatterns: Patterns): RepositoryType =
			construct(name, SshConnection(None, hostname, port), resolvePatterns(basePath, basePatterns))
	/** A factory to construct an interface to an Ivy SSH resolver.*/
	object ssh extends Define[SshRepository]
		protected def construct(name: String, connection: SshConnection, patterns: Patterns) = SshRepository(name, connection, patterns, None)
	/** A factory to construct an interface to an Ivy SFTP resolver.*/
	object sftp extends Define[SftpRepository]
		protected def construct(name: String, connection: SshConnection, patterns: Patterns) = SftpRepository(name, connection, patterns)
	/** A factory to construct an interface to an Ivy filesytem resolver. */
	object file
		/** Constructs a file resolver with the given name.  The patterns to use must be explicitly specified
		* using the `ivys` or `artifacts` methods on the constructed resolver object.*/
		def apply(name: String): FileRepository = FileRepository(name, defaultFileConfiguration, Patterns(false))
		/** Constructs a file resolver with the given name and base directory. */
		def apply(name: String, baseDirectory: File)(implicit basePatterns: Patterns): FileRepository =
			baseRepository(new File(baseDirectory.toURI.normalize) getAbsolutePath)(FileRepository(name, defaultFileConfiguration, _))
	object url
		/** Constructs a URL resolver with the given name.  The patterns to use must be explicitly specified
		* using the `ivys` or `artifacts` methods on the constructed resolver object.*/
		def apply(name: String): URLRepository = URLRepository(name, Patterns(false))
		/** Constructs a file resolver with the given name and base directory. */
		def apply(name: String, baseURL: URL)(implicit basePatterns: Patterns): URLRepository =
			baseRepository(baseURL.toURI.normalize.toString)(URLRepository(name, _))
	private def baseRepository[T](base: String)(construct: Patterns => T)(implicit basePatterns: Patterns): T =
		construct(resolvePatterns(base, basePatterns))

	/** If `base` is None, `patterns` is returned unchanged.
	* Otherwise, the ivy file and artifact patterns in `patterns` are resolved against the given base. */
	private def resolvePatterns(base: Option[String], patterns: Patterns): Patterns =
		base match
			case Some(path) => resolvePatterns(path, patterns)
			case None => patterns
	/** Resolves the ivy file and artifact patterns in `patterns` against the given base. */
	private def resolvePatterns(base: String, basePatterns: Patterns): Patterns =
		def resolveAll(patterns: Seq[String]) = patterns.map(p => resolvePattern(base, p))
		Patterns(resolveAll(basePatterns.ivyPatterns), resolveAll(basePatterns.artifactPatterns), basePatterns.isMavenCompatible)
	private[sbt] def resolvePattern(base: String, pattern: String): String =
		val normBase = base.replace('\\', '/')
		if(normBase.endsWith("/") || pattern.startsWith("/")) normBase + pattern else normBase + "/" + pattern
	def defaultFileConfiguration = FileConfiguration(true, None)
	def mavenStylePatterns = Patterns(Nil, mavenStyleBasePattern :: Nil, true)
	def ivyStylePatterns = defaultIvyPatterns//Patterns(Nil, Nil, false)

	def defaultPatterns = mavenStylePatterns
	def mavenStyleBasePattern = "[organisation]/[module](_[scalaVersion])(_[sbtVersion])/[revision]/[artifact]-[revision](-[classifier]).[ext]"
	def localBasePattern = "[organisation]/[module]/" + PluginPattern + "[revision]/[type]s/[artifact](-[classifier]).[ext]"
	def defaultRetrievePattern = "[type]s/[organisation]/[module]/" + PluginPattern + "[artifact](-[revision])(-[classifier]).[ext]"
	final val PluginPattern = "(scala_[scalaVersion]/)(sbt_[sbtVersion]/)"

	def mavenLocal = MavenRepository("Maven2 Local", (new File(Path.userHome, ".m2/repository/")).toURI.toURL.toExternalForm)
	def defaultLocal = defaultUserFileRepository("local")
	def defaultShared = defaultUserFileRepository("shared")
	def defaultUserFileRepository(id: String) =
		val pList = ("${ivy.home}/" + id + "/" + localBasePattern) :: Nil
		FileRepository(id, defaultFileConfiguration, Patterns(pList, pList, false))
	def defaultIvyPatterns =
		val pList = List(localBasePattern)
		Patterns(pList, pList, false)

object Configurations
	def config(name: String) = new Configuration(name)
	def default: Seq[Configuration] = defaultMavenConfigurations
	def defaultMavenConfigurations: Seq[Configuration] = Seq(Compile, Runtime, Test, Provided, Optional)
	def defaultInternal: Seq[Configuration] = Seq(CompileInternal, RuntimeInternal, TestInternal)
	def auxiliary: Seq[Configuration] = Seq(Sources, Docs, Pom)
	def names(cs: Seq[Configuration]) = cs.map(_.name)

	lazy val RuntimeInternal = optionalInternal(Runtime)
	lazy val TestInternal = fullInternal(Test)
	lazy val IntegrationTestInternal = fullInternal(IntegrationTest)
	lazy val CompileInternal = fullInternal(Compile)

	def internalMap(c: Configuration) = c match {
		case Compile => CompileInternal
		case Test => TestInternal
		case Runtime => RuntimeInternal
		case IntegrationTest => IntegrationTestInternal
		case _ => c

	def internal(base: Configuration, ext: Configuration*) = config(base.name + "-internal") extend(ext : _*) hide;
	def fullInternal(base: Configuration): Configuration  =  internal(base, base, Optional, Provided)
	def optionalInternal(base: Configuration): Configuration  =  internal(base, base, Optional)

	lazy val Default = config("default")
	lazy val Compile = config("compile")
	lazy val IntegrationTest = config("it") extend(Runtime)
	lazy val Provided = config("provided") ;
	lazy val Docs = config("docs")
	lazy val Runtime = config("runtime") extend(Compile)
	lazy val Test = config("test") extend(Runtime)
	lazy val Sources = config("sources")
	lazy val System = config("system")
	lazy val Optional = config("optional")
	lazy val Pom = config("pom")

	lazy val CompilerPlugin = config("plugin") hide

	private[sbt] val DefaultMavenConfiguration = defaultConfiguration(true)
	private[sbt] val DefaultIvyConfiguration = defaultConfiguration(false)
	private[sbt] def DefaultConfiguration(mavenStyle: Boolean) = if(mavenStyle) DefaultMavenConfiguration else DefaultIvyConfiguration
	private[sbt] def defaultConfiguration(mavenStyle: Boolean) = if(mavenStyle) Configurations.Compile else Configurations.Default
	private[sbt] def removeDuplicates(configs: Iterable[Configuration]) = Set(scala.collection.mutable.Map(configs.map(config => (config.name, config)).toSeq: _*).values.toList: _*)
/** Represents an Ivy configuration. */
final case class Configuration(name: String, description: String, isPublic: Boolean, extendsConfigs: List[Configuration], transitive: Boolean)
	require(name != null && !name.isEmpty)
	require(description != null)
	def this(name: String) = this(name, "", true, Nil, true)
	def describedAs(newDescription: String) = Configuration(name, newDescription, isPublic, extendsConfigs, transitive)
	def extend(configs: Configuration*) = Configuration(name, description, isPublic, configs.toList ::: extendsConfigs, transitive)
	def notTransitive = intransitive
	def intransitive = Configuration(name, description, isPublic, extendsConfigs, false)
	def hide = Configuration(name, description, false, extendsConfigs, transitive)
	override def toString = name

final case class Artifact(name: String, `type`: String, extension: String, classifier: Option[String], configurations: Iterable[Configuration], url: Option[URL], extraAttributes: Map[String,String])
	def extra(attributes: (String,String)*) = Artifact(name, `type`, extension, classifier, configurations, url, extraAttributes ++ ModuleID.checkE(attributes))

		import Configurations.{config, Docs, Optional, Pom, Sources}

object Artifact
	def apply(name: String): Artifact = Artifact(name, DefaultType, DefaultExtension, None, Nil, None)
	def apply(name: String, extra: Map[String,String]): Artifact = Artifact(name, DefaultType, DefaultExtension, None, Nil, None, extra)
	def apply(name: String, classifier: String): Artifact = Artifact(name, DefaultType, DefaultExtension, Some(classifier), Nil, None)
	def apply(name: String, `type`: String, extension: String): Artifact = Artifact(name, `type`, extension, None, Nil, None)
	def apply(name: String, `type`: String, extension: String, classifier: String): Artifact = Artifact(name, `type`, extension, Some(classifier), Nil, None)
	def apply(name: String, url: URL): Artifact =Artifact(name, extract(url, DefaultType), extract(url, DefaultExtension), None, Nil, Some(url))
	def apply(name: String, `type`: String, extension: String, classifier: Option[String], configurations: Iterable[Configuration], url: Option[URL]): Artifact =
		Artifact(name, `type`, extension, classifier, configurations, url, Map.empty)

	val DefaultExtension = "jar"
	val DefaultType = "jar"

	def sources(name: String) = classified(name, SourceClassifier)
	def javadoc(name: String) = classified(name, DocClassifier)
	def pom(name: String) =  Artifact(name, PomType, PomType, None, Pom :: Nil, None)

	val DocClassifier = "javadoc"
	val SourceClassifier = "sources"
	val DocType = "doc"
	val SourceType = "src"
	val PomType = "pom"

	def extract(url: URL, default: String): String = extract(url.toString, default)
	def extract(name: String, default: String): String =
		val i = name.lastIndexOf('.')
		if(i >= 0)
	def defaultArtifact(file: File) =
		val name = file.getName
		val i = name.lastIndexOf('.')
		val base = if(i >= 0) name.substring(0, i) else name
		Artifact(base, extract(name, DefaultType), extract(name, DefaultExtension), None, Nil, Some(file.toURI.toURL))
	def artifactName(scalaVersion: ScalaVersion, module: ModuleID, artifact: Artifact): String =
		import artifact._
		val classifierStr = classifier match { case None => ""; case Some(c) => "-" + c }
		val cross = CrossVersion(module.crossVersion, scalaVersion.full, scalaVersion.binary)
		val base = CrossVersion.applyCross(artifact.name, cross)
		base + "-" + module.revision + classifierStr + "." + artifact.extension

	val classifierConfMap = Map(SourceClassifier -> Sources, DocClassifier -> Docs)
	val classifierTypeMap = Map(SourceClassifier -> SourceType, DocClassifier -> DocType)
	def classifierConf(classifier: String): Configuration = classifierConfMap.getOrElse(classifier, Optional)
	def classifierType(classifier: String): String = classifierTypeMap.getOrElse(classifier.stripPrefix("test-"), DefaultType)
	def classified(name: String, classifier: String): Artifact =
		Artifact(name, classifierType(classifier), DefaultExtension, Some(classifier), classifierConf(classifier) :: Nil, None)
final case class ModuleConfiguration(organization: String, name: String, revision: String, resolver: Resolver)
object ModuleConfiguration
	def apply(org: String, resolver: Resolver): ModuleConfiguration = apply(org, "*", "*", resolver)
	def apply(org: String, name: String, resolver: Resolver): ModuleConfiguration = ModuleConfiguration(org, name, "*", resolver)