
package sbt

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract class AbstractLogger extends Logger

  2. abstract class AbstractRMap[K[_], V[_]] extends RMap[K, V]

  3. sealed trait Action[T] extends AnyRef

    Defines a task compuation

  4. sealed trait Aggregation extends AnyRef

  5. final class AlreadyHandledException extends RuntimeException

    A dummy exception for the top-level exception handler to know that an exception has been handled, but is being passed further up to indicate general failure.

  6. trait Alternative[A, B] extends AnyRef

  7. trait Alternatives extends AnyRef

  8. final case class ApplicationID(groupID: String, name: String, version: String, mainClass: String, components: Seq[String], crossVersioned: Boolean, extra: Seq[File]) extends ApplicationID with Product with Serializable

  9. final case class Artifact(name: String, type: String, extension: String, classifier: Option[String], configurations: Iterable[Configuration], url: Option[URL], extraAttributes: Map[String, String]) extends Product with Serializable

  10. trait ArtifactFilter extends SubDepFilter[Artifact, ArtifactFilter]

  11. final case class AttributeEntry[T](key: AttributeKey[T], value: T) extends Product with Serializable

  12. sealed trait AttributeKey[T] extends AnyRef

  13. trait AttributeMap extends AnyRef

  14. final case class Attributed[D](data: D, metadata: AttributeMap) extends Product with Serializable

  15. class BasicCache[I, O] extends Cache[I, O]

  16. trait BasicCacheImplicits extends AnyRef

  17. abstract class BasicLogger extends AbstractLogger

    Implements the level-setting methods of Logger.

  18. class BufferedLogger extends BasicLogger

    A logger that can buffer the logging done on it and then can flush the buffer to the delegate logger provided in the constructor.

  19. case class BufferedOutput(logger: Logger) extends OutputStrategy with Product with Serializable

  20. trait Build extends AnyRef

  21. trait BuildCommon extends AnyRef

  22. final class BuildDependencies extends AnyRef

  23. trait BuildExtra extends BuildCommon

  24. final class BuildLoader extends AnyRef

  25. final case class BuildRef(build: URI) extends BuildReference with ResolvedReference with Product with Serializable

    Uniquely identifies a build by a URI.

  26. sealed trait BuildReference extends Reference

    Identifies a build.

  27. final class BuildUtil[Proj] extends AnyRef

  28. trait Cache[I, O] extends AnyRef

  29. trait CacheImplicits extends BasicCacheImplicits with SBinaryFormats with HListCacheImplicits with UnionImplicits

  30. sealed case class ChainedResolver(name: String, resolvers: Seq[Resolver]) extends Resolver with Product with Serializable

  31. trait ChangeReport[T] extends NotNull

    The result of comparing some current set of objects against a previous set of objects.

  32. class Changed[O] extends Tracked

  33. sealed trait ClasspathDep[PR <: ProjectReference] extends AnyRef

  34. final case class ClasspathDependency(project: ProjectReference, configuration: Option[String]) extends ClasspathDep[ProjectReference] with Product with Serializable

  35. final case class ClasspathOptions(bootLibrary: Boolean, compiler: Boolean, extra: Boolean, autoBoot: Boolean, filterLibrary: Boolean) extends ClasspathOptions with Product with Serializable

  36. sealed trait Command extends AnyRef

  37. trait CommandDefinitions extends (State) ⇒ State

  38. final class CompileOptions extends AnyRef

  39. final class CompileSetup extends AnyRef

  40. sealed trait Completed extends AnyRef

  41. trait CompletionService[A, R] extends AnyRef

  42. class ComponentManager extends AnyRef

    A component manager provides access to the pieces of xsbt that are distributed as components.

  43. trait ConcurrentRestrictions[A] extends AnyRef

    Describes restrictions on concurrent execution for a set of tasks.

  44. final case class ConfigKey(name: String) extends Product with Serializable

  45. final case class Configuration(name: String, description: String, isPublic: Boolean, extendsConfigs: List[Configuration], transitive: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents an Ivy configuration.

  46. trait ConfigurationFilter extends SubDepFilter[String, ConfigurationFilter]

  47. final class ConfigurationReport extends AnyRef

    Provides information about resolution of a single configuration.

  48. final case class ConflictWarning(label: String, filter: ModuleFilter, group: (ModuleID) ⇒ String, level: Value, failOnConflict: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

  49. final class Console extends AnyRef

  50. class ConsoleLogger extends BasicLogger

    A logger that logs to the console.

  51. final class ConsoleMain extends AppMain

  52. sealed trait ConsoleOut extends AnyRef

  53. final class ContentLogger extends AnyRef

  54. final class ControlEvent extends LogEvent

  55. sealed trait Credentials extends AnyRef

  56. sealed trait CrossVersion extends AnyRef

  57. case class CustomOutput(output: OutputStream) extends OutputStrategy with Product with Serializable

  58. final class CustomPomParser extends ModuleDescriptorParser

  59. trait Dag[Node <: Dag[Node]] extends AnyRef

  60. sealed trait DelegateIndex extends AnyRef

  61. class DelegatingPMap[K[_], V[_]] extends AbstractRMap[K, V] with PMap[K, V]

    Only suitable for K that is invariant in its type parameter.

  62. final class DeliverConfiguration extends AnyRef

  63. trait DependencyFilter extends AnyRef

  64. trait DependencyFilterExtra extends AnyRef

  65. final case class DependsOn[T](in: Task[T], deps: Seq[sbt.Task[_]]) extends Action[T] with Product with Serializable

    A computation in that requires other tasks deps to be evaluated first.

  66. class Difference extends Tracked

  67. final class DirectCredentials extends Credentials

  68. sealed trait Doc extends AnyRef

  69. class EmptyChangeReport[T] extends ChangeReport[T]

  70. final case class EmptyConfiguration(module: ModuleID, moduleInfo: ModuleInfo, ivyScala: Option[IvyScala], validate: Boolean) extends ModuleSettings with Product with Serializable

  71. final case class EvaluateConfig(cancelable: Boolean, restrictions: Seq[Rule], checkCycles: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

  72. abstract class EvaluateSettings[Scope] extends AnyRef

  73. final class ExactFilter extends NameFilter

  74. case class ExclusionRule(organization: String, name: String, artifact: String, configurations: Seq[String]) extends Product with Serializable

    Rule to exclude unwanted dependencies pulled in transitively by a module.

  75. final class Execute[A[_] <: AnyRef] extends AnyRef

  76. final case class Exit(code: Int) extends Exit with Product with Serializable

  77. trait ExitHook extends AnyRef

    Defines a function to call as sbt exits.

  78. trait ExtendableKeyIndex extends KeyIndex

  79. final class ExternalIvyConfiguration extends IvyConfiguration

  80. final case class Extracted(structure: BuildStructure, session: SessionSettings, currentRef: ProjectRef, showKey: Show[sbt.Project.ScopedKey[_]]) extends Product with Serializable

  81. trait FeedbackProvidedException extends Throwable with UnprintableException

    A marker trait that refines UnprintableException to indicate to a top-level exception handler that the code throwing this exception has already provided feedback to the user about the error condition.

  82. final class FileCredentials extends Credentials

  83. trait FileFilter extends FileFilter with NotNull

  84. sealed trait FileInfo extends NotNull

  85. trait FilePartialBuilder extends SinkPartialBuilder with SourcePartialBuilder

  86. sealed trait FilePosition extends SourcePosition

  87. final case class FileRepository(name: String, configuration: FileConfiguration, patterns: Patterns) extends PatternsBasedRepository with Product with Serializable

    sbt interface for an Ivy filesystem repository.

  88. final case class FilesInfo[F <: FileInfo](files: Set[F]) extends Product with Serializable

  89. class FilterLogger extends BasicLogger

    A filter logger is used to delegate messages but not the logging level to another logger.

  90. final case class FlatMapped[T, In <: HList](in: Tasks[In], f: (Results[In]) ⇒ Task[T]) extends Action[T] with Product with Serializable

    Computes another task to evaluate based on results from evaluating other tasks.

  91. trait Fn1[A, B] extends AnyRef

  92. trait ForkJava extends AnyRef

  93. class ForkMain extends AnyRef

  94. final case class ForkOptions(javaHome: Option[File], outputStrategy: Option[OutputStrategy], scalaJars: Iterable[File], workingDirectory: Option[File], runJVMOptions: Seq[String], connectInput: Boolean) extends ForkScalaRun with Product with Serializable

  95. class ForkRun extends ScalaRun

  96. trait ForkScala extends ForkJava

  97. trait ForkScalaRun extends ForkScala

  98. class ForkTags extends Enum[ForkTags]

  99. class FullLogger extends BasicLogger

    Promotes the simple Logger interface to the full AbstractLogger interface.

  100. final class FullReader extends JLine

  101. final case class GetClassifiersConfiguration(module: GetClassifiersModule, exclude: Map[ModuleID, Set[String]], configuration: UpdateConfiguration, ivyScala: Option[IvyScala]) extends Product with Serializable

  102. final case class GetClassifiersModule(id: ModuleID, modules: Seq[ModuleID], configurations: Seq[Configuration], classifiers: Seq[String]) extends Product with Serializable

  103. final case class GlobalLogBacking(file: File, last: Option[File], newLogger: (PrintWriter, GlobalLogBacking) ⇒ GlobalLogging, newBackingFile: () ⇒ File) extends Product with Serializable

  104. final case class GlobalLogging(full: Logger, backed: ConsoleLogger, backing: GlobalLogBacking) extends Product with Serializable

  105. final case class GlobalPlugin(data: GlobalPluginData, structure: BuildStructure, inject: Seq[sbt.Project.Setting[_]], base: File) extends Product with Serializable

  106. final case class GlobalPluginData(projectID: ModuleID, dependencies: Seq[ModuleID], descriptors: Map[ModuleRevisionId, ModuleDescriptor], resolvers: Seq[Resolver], fullClasspath: Classpath, internalClasspath: Classpath) extends Product with Serializable

  107. final case class HCons[H, T <: HList](head: H, tail: T) extends HList with Product with Serializable

  108. sealed trait HList extends AnyRef

    A minimal heterogeneous list type.

  109. trait HListCacheImplicits extends AnyRef

  110. sealed trait HNil extends HList

  111. sealed trait HashFileInfo extends FileInfo

  112. sealed trait HashModifiedFileInfo extends HashFileInfo with ModifiedFileInfo

  113. trait Help extends AnyRef

  114. trait IDSet[T] extends AnyRef

    A mutable set interface that uses object identity to test for set membership.

  115. trait IMap[K[_], V[_]] extends ~>[K, V] with RMap[K, V]

  116. trait Identity extends AnyRef

  117. sealed trait IfMissing extends NotNull

  118. final case class Inc(cause: Incomplete) extends Result[Nothing] with Product with Serializable

    Indicates the task did not complete normally and so it does not have a value.

  119. final class IncompatiblePluginsException extends Exception

  120. final case class Incomplete(node: Option[AnyRef], tpe: Value, message: Option[String], causes: Seq[Incomplete], directCause: Option[Throwable]) extends Exception with UnprintableException with Product with Serializable

    Describes why a task did not complete.

  121. final case class Info[T](attributes: AttributeMap, post: (T) ⇒ AttributeMap) extends Product with Serializable

    Used to provide information about a task, such as the name, description, and tags for controlling concurrent execution.

  122. trait Init[Scope] extends AnyRef

  123. final case class InlineConfiguration(module: ModuleID, moduleInfo: ModuleInfo, dependencies: Seq[ModuleID], overrides: Set[ModuleID], ivyXML: NodeSeq, configurations: Seq[Configuration], defaultConfiguration: Option[Configuration], ivyScala: Option[IvyScala], validate: Boolean) extends ModuleSettings with Product with Serializable

  124. final class InlineIvyConfiguration extends IvyConfiguration

  125. trait InputCache[I] extends AnyRef

  126. sealed trait InputKey[T] extends Scoped with KeyedInitialize[InputTask[T]] with ScopingSetting[InputKey[T]] with DefinableSetting[InputTask[T]]

    Identifies an input task.

  127. sealed trait InputTask[T] extends AnyRef

    Parses input and produces a task to run.

  128. sealed trait InspectOption extends AnyRef

  129. class InvalidComponent extends RuntimeException

  130. class InvalidScalaInstance extends RuntimeException

  131. class IvyCache extends AnyRef

    Provides methods for working at the level of a single jar file with the default Ivy cache.

  132. sealed trait IvyConfiguration extends AnyRef

  133. final case class IvyFileConfiguration(file: File, ivyScala: Option[IvyScala], validate: Boolean) extends ModuleSettings with Product with Serializable

  134. final class IvyPaths extends AnyRef

  135. final class IvySbt extends AnyRef

  136. final case class IvyScala(scalaFullVersion: String, scalaBinaryVersion: String, configurations: Iterable[Configuration], checkExplicit: Boolean, filterImplicit: Boolean, overrideScalaVersion: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

  137. abstract class JLine extends LineReader

  138. sealed trait JavaNet1Repository extends Resolver

  139. final class Javadoc extends Doc

  140. final case class Join[T, U](in: Seq[Task[U]], f: (Seq[Result[U]]) ⇒ Either[Task[T], T]) extends Action[T] with Product with Serializable

    A computation that operates on the results of a homogeneous list of other tasks.

  141. final case class KCons[H, T <: HList, +M[_]](head: M[H], tail: KList[M, T]) extends KList[M, :+:[H, T]] with Product with Serializable

  142. trait KFold[M[_], P[_ <: HList]] extends AnyRef

  143. sealed trait KList[+M[_], HL <: HList] extends AnyRef

    A higher-order heterogeneous list.

  144. sealed class KNil extends KList[Nothing, HNil]

  145. trait KeyIndex extends AnyRef

  146. final case class LinePosition(path: String, startLine: Int) extends FilePosition with Product with Serializable

  147. final case class LineRange(start: Int, end: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  148. trait LineReader extends AnyRef

  149. final case class LocalProject(project: String) extends ProjectReference with Product with Serializable

    Identifies a project in the current build context.

  150. final class Log extends LogEvent

  151. sealed trait LogEvent extends NotNull

  152. trait LogManager extends AnyRef

  153. case class LoggedOutput(logger: Logger) extends OutputStrategy with Product with Serializable

  154. trait Logger extends Logger

    This is intended to be the simplest logging interface for use by code that wants to log.

  155. class LoggerReporter extends Reporter

  156. class LoggerWriter extends Writer

    Provides a interface to a Logger.

  157. class MakePom extends AnyRef

  158. final case class MakePomConfiguration(file: File, moduleInfo: ModuleInfo, configurations: Option[Seq[Configuration]], extra: NodeSeq, process: (Node) ⇒ Node, filterRepositories: (MavenRepository) ⇒ Boolean, allRepositories: Boolean, includeTypes: Set[String]) extends Product with Serializable

  159. final case class Mapped[T, In <: HList](in: Tasks[In], f: (Results[In]) ⇒ T) extends Action[T] with Product with Serializable

    Applies a function to the result of evaluating a heterogeneous list of other tasks.

  160. trait Mapper extends AnyRef

  161. sealed case class MavenRepository(name: String, root: String) extends Resolver with Product with Serializable

  162. final class MessageOnlyException extends RuntimeException

  163. sealed trait ModifiedFileInfo extends FileInfo

  164. final case class ModuleConfiguration(organization: String, name: String, revision: String, resolver: Resolver) extends Product with Serializable

  165. trait ModuleFilter extends SubDepFilter[ModuleID, ModuleFilter]

  166. final case class ModuleID(organization: String, name: String, revision: String, configurations: Option[String], isChanging: Boolean, isTransitive: Boolean, isForce: Boolean, explicitArtifacts: Seq[Artifact], exclusions: Seq[ExclusionRule], extraAttributes: Map[String, String], crossVersion: CrossVersion) extends Product with Serializable

  167. case class ModuleInfo(nameFormal: String, description: String, homepage: Option[URL], startYear: Option[Int], licenses: Seq[(String, URL)], organizationName: String, organizationHomepage: Option[URL], scmInfo: Option[ScmInfo]) extends Product with Serializable

    Additional information about a project module

  168. final class ModuleReport extends AnyRef

    Provides information about the resolution of a module.

  169. sealed trait ModuleSettings extends AnyRef

  170. final class MultiHandler[S, T] extends AnyRef

  171. class MultiLogger extends BasicLogger

  172. final case class MultiLoggerConfig(console: AbstractLogger, backed: AbstractLogger, extra: List[AbstractLogger], screenLevel: Value, backingLevel: Value, screenTrace: Int, backingTrace: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  173. trait NameFilter extends FileFilter with NotNull

  174. trait Node[A[_], T] extends AnyRef

    Represents a task node in a format understood by the task evaluation engine Execute.

  175. trait NodeView[A[_]] extends AnyRef

  176. class NotInCache extends RuntimeException

  177. trait OpenFile[T] extends Using[File, T]

  178. sealed abstract class OutputStrategy extends NotNull

  179. trait PMap[K[_], V[_]] extends ~>[K, V] with RMap[K, V]

  180. sealed trait PackageOption extends AnyRef

  181. trait Param[A[_], B[_]] extends AnyRef

  182. final class ParsedKey extends AnyRef

  183. trait PathExtra extends Alternatives with Mapper with PathLow

  184. sealed abstract class PathFinder extends AnyRef

    A path finder constructs a set of paths.

  185. trait PathLow extends AnyRef

  186. final class PatternFilter extends NameFilter

  187. final class Patterns extends AnyRef

  188. sealed abstract class PatternsBasedRepository extends Resolver

    sbt interface to an Ivy repository based on patterns, which is most Ivy repositories.

  189. sealed trait PlainFileInfo extends FileInfo

  190. trait Plugin extends AnyRef

  191. final case class PluginData(classpath: Seq[Attributed[File]], resolvers: Option[Seq[Resolver]], report: Option[UpdateReport]) extends Product with Serializable

  192. final case class PluginManagement(overrides: Set[ModuleID], applyOverrides: Set[ModuleID], loader: PluginClassLoader, initialLoader: ClassLoader) extends Product with Serializable

  193. final case class PomConfiguration(file: File, ivyScala: Option[IvyScala], validate: Boolean) extends ModuleSettings with Product with Serializable

  194. trait Process extends NotNull

    Represents a process that is running or has finished running.

  195. trait ProcessBuilder extends SourcePartialBuilder with SinkPartialBuilder

    Represents a runnable process.

  196. trait ProcessExtra extends AnyRef

  197. final class ProcessIO extends NotNull

    Each method will be called in a separate thread.

  198. trait ProcessLogger extends AnyRef

  199. sealed trait Project extends ProjectDefinition[ProjectReference]

  200. sealed trait ProjectDefinition[PR <: ProjectReference] extends AnyRef

  201. trait ProjectExtra extends AnyRef

  202. final class ProjectNavigation extends AnyRef

  203. final case class ProjectRef(build: URI, project: String) extends ProjectReference with ResolvedReference with Product with Serializable

    Uniquely references a project by a URI and a project identifier String.

  204. sealed trait ProjectReference extends Reference

    Identifies a project.

  205. class ProjectResolver extends ResolverAdapter

    A Resolver that uses a predefined mapping from module ids to in-memory descriptors.

  206. final class PublishConfiguration extends AnyRef

  207. final case class Pure[T](f: () ⇒ T, inline: Boolean) extends Action[T] with Product with Serializable

    A direct computation of a value.

  208. trait RMap[K[_], V[_]] extends AnyRef

  209. final case class RangePosition(path: String, range: LineRange) extends FilePosition with Product with Serializable

  210. final class RawRepository extends Resolver

  211. final case class Reboot(scalaVersion: String, argsList: Seq[String], app: ApplicationID, baseDirectory: File) extends Reboot with Product with Serializable

  212. sealed trait Reference extends AnyRef

    Identifies a project or build.

  213. trait Relation[A, B] extends AnyRef

    Binary relation between A and B.

  214. final class ResolveException extends RuntimeException

  215. final case class ResolvedClasspathDependency(project: ProjectRef, configuration: Option[String]) extends ClasspathDep[ProjectRef] with Product with Serializable

  216. sealed trait ResolvedProject extends ProjectDefinition[ProjectRef]

  217. sealed trait ResolvedReference extends Reference

    A fully resolved, unique identifier for a project or build.

  218. sealed trait Resolver extends AnyRef

  219. abstract class ResolverAdapter extends DependencyResolver

  220. class Resources extends AnyRef

  221. class ResourcesException extends Exception

  222. sealed trait Result[+T] extends AnyRef

    Result of completely evaluating a task.

  223. final class RetrieveConfiguration extends AnyRef

  224. final class RichFile extends AnyRef

  225. class RichURI extends AnyRef

  226. final case class RootProject(build: URI) extends ProjectReference with Product with Serializable

    Identifies the root project in the specified build.

  227. class Run extends ScalaRun

  228. trait SBinaryFormats extends CollectionTypes with JavaFormats

  229. final class ScalaInstance extends ScalaInstance

    Represents the source for Scala classes for a given version.

  230. trait ScalaRun extends AnyRef

  231. final case class ScalaVersion(full: String, binary: String) extends Product with Serializable

  232. final class Scaladoc extends Doc

  233. case class ScmInfo(browseUrl: URL, connection: String, devConnection: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable

    Basic SCM information for a project module

  234. final case class Scope(project: ScopeAxis[Reference], config: ScopeAxis[ConfigKey], task: ScopeAxis[sbt.AttributeKey[_]], extra: ScopeAxis[AttributeMap]) extends Product with Serializable

  235. sealed trait ScopeAxis[+S] extends AnyRef

  236. final case class ScopeMask(project: Boolean, config: Boolean, task: Boolean, extra: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

    Specifies the Scope axes that should be used for an operation.

  237. sealed trait Scoped extends AnyRef

  238. final case class ScopedKeyData[A](scoped: ScopedKey[A], value: Any) extends Product with Serializable

  239. sealed trait ScopedTaskable[T] extends Scoped

    A common type for SettingKey and TaskKey so that both can be used as inputs to tasks.

  240. final class ScriptMain extends AppMain

  241. final case class Select[S](s: S) extends ScopeAxis[S] with Product with Serializable

  242. final case class SessionSettings(currentBuild: URI, currentProject: Map[URI, String], original: Seq[sbt.Project.Setting[_]], append: SessionMap, rawAppend: Seq[sbt.Project.Setting[_]], currentEval: () ⇒ Eval) extends Product with Serializable

  243. final class SetLevel extends LogEvent

  244. final class SetSuccess extends LogEvent

  245. final class SetTrace extends LogEvent

  246. case class SettingGraph(name: String, definedIn: Option[String], data: Option[sbt.ScopedKeyData[_]], description: Option[String], basedir: File, depends: Set[SettingGraph]) extends Product with Serializable

  247. sealed trait SettingKey[T] extends ScopedTaskable[T] with KeyedInitialize[T] with ScopingSetting[SettingKey[T]] with DefinableSetting[T] with ListSetting[T, Id]

    Identifies a setting.

  248. sealed trait Settings[Scope] extends AnyRef

  249. final case class SftpRepository(name: String, connection: SshConnection, patterns: Patterns) extends SshBasedRepository with Product with Serializable

    sbt interface for an Ivy repository over sftp.

  250. trait Show[T] extends AnyRef

  251. final class SimpleFileFilter extends FileFilter

  252. final class SimpleFilter extends NameFilter

  253. class SimpleReader extends JLine

  254. trait SinkPartialBuilder extends NotNull

  255. trait SourcePartialBuilder extends NotNull

  256. sealed trait SourcePosition extends AnyRef

  257. sealed abstract class SshBasedRepository extends PatternsBasedRepository

    sbt interface for an Ivy ssh-based repository (ssh and sftp).

  258. final case class SshRepository(name: String, connection: SshConnection, patterns: Patterns, publishPermissions: Option[String]) extends SshBasedRepository with Product with Serializable

    sbt interface for an Ivy repository over ssh.

  259. final case class State(configuration: AppConfiguration, definedCommands: Seq[Command], exitHooks: Set[ExitHook], onFailure: Option[String], remainingCommands: Seq[String], history: History, attributes: AttributeMap, globalLogging: GlobalLogging, next: Next) extends Identity with Product with Serializable

    Data structure representing all command execution information.

  260. trait StateOps extends AnyRef

    Convenience methods for State transformations and operations.

  261. sealed trait SubDepFilter[Arg, Self <: SubDepFilter[Arg, Self]] extends DependencyFilter

  262. final class Success extends LogEvent

  263. final class SuppressedTraceContext extends AnyRef

  264. final case class Task[T](info: Info[T], work: Action[T]) extends Product with Serializable

    Combines metadata info and a computation work to define a task.

  265. sealed trait TaskKey[T] extends ScopedTaskable[T] with KeyedInitialize[Task[T]] with ScopingSetting[TaskKey[T]] with ListSetting[T, Task] with DefinableTask[T]

    Identifies a task.

  266. final class TestDefinition extends AnyRef

  267. abstract class TestEvent extends NotNull

  268. case class TestFramework(implClassName: String) extends Product with Serializable

  269. class TestLogger extends TestsListener

  270. final class TestLogging extends AnyRef

  271. sealed trait TestOption extends AnyRef

  272. trait TestReportListener extends AnyRef

  273. final class TestRunner extends AnyRef

  274. trait TestsListener extends TestReportListener

  275. class Timestamp extends Tracked

  276. final class Trace extends LogEvent

  277. trait Tracked extends AnyRef

  278. sealed class TranslatedException extends RuntimeException

  279. final class TranslatedIOException extends TranslatedException

  280. final class Triggers[A[_]] extends AnyRef

  281. trait TypeFunctions extends AnyRef

  282. trait Types extends TypeFunctions

  283. trait URLPartialBuilder extends SourcePartialBuilder

  284. final case class URLRepository(name: String, patterns: Patterns) extends PatternsBasedRepository with Product with Serializable

  285. final class UninitializedVal extends RuntimeException

  286. trait UnionImplicits extends AnyRef

  287. trait UnprintableException extends Throwable

    A marker trait for a top-level exception handler to know that this exception doesn't make sense to display.

  288. final class UpdateConfiguration extends AnyRef

  289. final class UpdateReport extends AnyRef

    Provides information about dependency resolution.

  290. final class UpdateStats extends AnyRef

  291. abstract class Using[Source, T] extends AnyRef

  292. final case class Value[+T](value: T) extends Result[T] with Product with Serializable

    Indicates the task completed normally and produced the given value.

  293. final class WatchState extends AnyRef

  294. trait Watched extends AnyRef

  295. abstract class WrapUsing[Source, T] extends Using[Source, T]

  296. final class xMain extends AppMain

    This class is the entry point for sbt.

  297. trait ~>[-A[_], +B[_]] extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object Act extends AnyRef

  2. object Aggregation extends AnyRef

  3. object AllPassFilter extends NameFilter

  4. object Alternatives extends Alternatives

  5. object Append extends AnyRef

  6. object ApplicationID extends Serializable

  7. object Artifact extends Serializable

  8. object AttributeKey extends AnyRef

  9. object AttributeMap extends AnyRef

  10. object Attributed extends Serializable

  11. object BasicCommandStrings extends AnyRef

  12. object BasicCommands extends AnyRef

  13. object BasicIO extends AnyRef

  14. object BasicKeys extends AnyRef

  15. object Build extends AnyRef

  16. object BuildDependencies extends AnyRef

  17. object BuildLoader extends AnyRef

  18. object BuildPaths extends AnyRef

  19. object BuildStreams extends AnyRef

  20. object BuiltinCommands extends AnyRef

  21. object Cache extends CacheImplicits

  22. object CacheIO extends AnyRef

  23. object CacheIvy extends AnyRef

    InputCaches for IvyConfiguration, ModuleSettings, and UpdateConfiguration The InputCaches for a basic data structure is built in two parts.

  24. object ChangeReport extends AnyRef

  25. object ClassToAPI extends AnyRef

  26. object ClasspathOptions extends Serializable

  27. object Classpaths extends AnyRef

  28. object Command extends AnyRef

  29. object CommandStrings extends AnyRef

  30. object CommandUtil extends AnyRef

  31. object CompileSetup extends AnyRef

  32. object Compiler extends AnyRef

  33. object CompletionService extends AnyRef

  34. object ComponentManager extends AnyRef

  35. object ConcurrentRestrictions extends AnyRef

  36. object ConfigKey extends Serializable

  37. object Configurations extends AnyRef

  38. object ConflictWarning extends Serializable

  39. object Console extends AnyRef

  40. object ConsoleLogger extends AnyRef

  41. object ConsoleProject extends AnyRef

  42. object ControlEvent extends Enumeration

  43. object Credentials extends AnyRef

  44. object Cross extends AnyRef

  45. object CrossVersion extends AnyRef

  46. object CustomPomParser extends AnyRef

  47. object Dag extends AnyRef

  48. object DefaultMavenRepository extends MavenRepository

  49. object DefaultOptions extends AnyRef

  50. object Defaults extends BuildCommon

  51. object DependencyFilter extends DependencyFilterExtra

  52. object Difference extends AnyRef

  53. object DirectoryFilter extends FileFilter

  54. object Doc extends AnyRef

  55. object DotGraph extends AnyRef

  56. object ErrorHandling extends AnyRef

  57. object EvaluateConfigurations extends AnyRef

  58. object EvaluateTask extends AnyRef

  59. object EvaluationState extends Enumeration

  60. object Execute extends AnyRef

  61. object ExistsFileFilter extends FileFilter

  62. object ExitHook extends AnyRef

  63. object ExitHooks extends AnyRef

  64. object ExternalIvyConfiguration extends AnyRef

  65. object FileFilter extends AnyRef

  66. object FileFunction extends AnyRef

  67. object FileInfo extends AnyRef

  68. object FilesInfo extends Serializable

  69. object Fork extends AnyRef

  70. object ForkMain extends

  71. object ForkTags extends

  72. object FullLogger extends AnyRef

  73. object GlobFilter extends AnyRef

  74. object Global extends ScopeAxis[Nothing] with Product with Serializable

  75. object GlobalLogBacking extends Serializable

  76. object GlobalLogging extends Serializable

  77. object GlobalPlugin extends Serializable

  78. object Graph extends AnyRef

  79. object HList extends AnyRef

  80. object HNil extends HNil

  81. object Hash extends AnyRef

  82. object Help extends AnyRef

  83. object HiddenFileFilter extends FileFilter

  84. object Highlight extends AnyRef

  85. object IDSet extends AnyRef

  86. object IMap extends AnyRef

  87. object IO extends AnyRef

    A collection of File, URL, and I/O utility methods.

  88. object IfMissing extends AnyRef

  89. object Incomplete extends Enumeration

  90. object Index extends AnyRef

  91. object Info extends Serializable

  92. object InlineConfiguration extends Serializable

  93. object InputCache extends AnyRef

  94. object InputKey extends AnyRef

    Constructs InputKeys, which are associated with input tasks to define a setting.

  95. object InputTask extends AnyRef

  96. object InspectOption extends AnyRef

  97. object IvyActions extends AnyRef

  98. object IvyConfiguration extends AnyRef

  99. object IvyConsole extends AnyRef

  100. object IvyRetrieve extends AnyRef

  101. object JavaNet1Repository extends JavaNet1Repository

  102. object JavaNet2Repository extends MavenRepository

  103. object KList extends AnyRef

  104. object KNil extends KNil

  105. object KeyIndex extends AnyRef

  106. object KeyRanks extends AnyRef

  107. object Keys extends AnyRef

  108. object Level extends Enumeration

    An enumeration defining the levels available for logging.

  109. object Load extends AnyRef

  110. object LocalRootProject extends ProjectReference with Product with Serializable

    Identifies the root project in the current build context.

  111. object LogManager extends AnyRef

  112. object Logger extends AnyRef

  113. object LoggerReporter extends AnyRef

  114. object MainLogging extends AnyRef

  115. object MainLoop extends AnyRef

  116. object ModuleConfiguration extends Serializable

  117. object ModuleID extends Serializable

  118. object ModuleSettings extends AnyRef

  119. object ModuleUtilities extends AnyRef

  120. object NameFilter extends AnyRef

  121. object NoPosition extends SourcePosition with Product with Serializable

  122. object NothingFilter extends NameFilter

  123. object Opts extends AnyRef

    Options for well-known tasks.

  124. object Output extends AnyRef

  125. object PMap extends AnyRef

  126. object Pack extends AnyRef

  127. object Package extends AnyRef

  128. object Param extends AnyRef

  129. object Path extends PathExtra

  130. object PathFinder extends AnyRef

  131. object Patterns extends AnyRef

  132. object PluginManagement extends Serializable

  133. object Process extends ProcessExtra

    Methods for constructing simple commands that can then be combined.

  134. object Project extends Init[Scope] with ProjectExtra

  135. object ProjectNavigation extends AnyRef

  136. object ProjectRef extends Serializable

  137. object Reference extends AnyRef

  138. object ReflectUtilities extends AnyRef

  139. object Relation extends AnyRef

  140. object RepositoryHelpers extends AnyRef

  141. object Resolve extends AnyRef

  142. object Resolver extends AnyRef

  143. object Resolvers extends AnyRef

  144. object Resources extends AnyRef

  145. object Result extends AnyRef

  146. object RetrieveUnit extends AnyRef

  147. object RichURI extends AnyRef

  148. object RootProject extends Serializable

  149. object Run extends AnyRef

    This module is an interface to starting the scala interpreter or runner.

  150. object SbtArtifacts extends AnyRef

  151. object ScalaArtifacts extends AnyRef

  152. object ScalaInstance extends AnyRef

  153. object Scope extends Serializable

  154. object ScopeAxis extends AnyRef

  155. object Scoped extends AnyRef

    Methods and types related to constructing settings, including keys, scopes, and initializations.

  156. object Script extends AnyRef

  157. object SelectMainClass extends AnyRef

  158. object SessionSettings extends Serializable

  159. object SessionVar extends AnyRef

  160. object SettingGraph extends Serializable

  161. object SettingKey extends AnyRef

    Constructs SettingKeys, which are associated with a value to define a basic setting.

  162. object Show extends AnyRef

  163. object SignJar extends AnyRef

    This is somewhat of a mess and is not entirely correct.

  164. object Signals extends AnyRef

  165. object SimpleReader extends SimpleReader

  166. object SourceModificationWatch extends AnyRef

  167. object StackTrace extends AnyRef

  168. object StandardMain extends AnyRef

  169. object State extends Serializable

  170. object StdoutOutput extends OutputStrategy with Product with Serializable

  171. object StringUtilities extends AnyRef

  172. object Sync extends AnyRef

    Maintains a set of mappings so that they are uptodate.

  173. object Tags extends AnyRef

  174. object Task extends Serializable

  175. object TaskKey extends AnyRef

    Constructs TaskKeys, which are associated with tasks to define a setting.

  176. object TestEvent extends AnyRef

  177. object TestFramework extends Serializable

  178. object TestFrameworks extends AnyRef

  179. object TestLogger extends AnyRef

  180. object TestResult extends Enumeration

  181. object Tests extends AnyRef

  182. object This extends ScopeAxis[Nothing] with Product with Serializable

  183. object ThisBuild extends BuildReference with Product with Serializable

    Identifies the build for the current context.

  184. object ThisProject extends ProjectReference with Product with Serializable

    Identifies the project for the current context.

  185. object Tracked extends AnyRef

  186. object TrapExit extends AnyRef

    This provides functionality to catch System.

  187. object TypeFunctions extends TypeFunctions

  188. object Types extends Types

  189. object Uncloseable extends AnyRef

  190. object UpdateLogging extends Enumeration

    Configures logging during an 'update'.

  191. object UpdateReport extends AnyRef

  192. object Using extends AnyRef

  193. object Util extends AnyRef

  194. object WatchState extends AnyRef

  195. object Watched extends AnyRef

  196. package classpath

  197. package compiler

  198. package complete

  199. package impl

  200. package inc

  201. package std

  202. object ~> extends AnyRef

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object ScalaToolsReleases extends MavenRepository


    (Since version 0.11.3) Maven repository at is being phased out, consider using an alternative resolver

  2. object ScalaToolsSnapshots extends MavenRepository


    (Since version 0.11.3) Maven repository at is being phased out, consider using an alternative resolver

  3. object TaskData extends AnyRef


    (Since version 0.11.1) Superseded by task state system.