/* sbt -- Simple Build Tool
 * Copyright 2009, 2010, 2011  Mark Harrah
package xsbt.boot

import Pre._
import java.io.{File, FileWriter, PrintWriter, Writer}
import java.util.concurrent.Callable
import java.util.regex.Pattern
import java.util.Properties

import org.apache.ivy.{core, plugins, util, Ivy}
import core.LogOptions
import core.cache.DefaultRepositoryCacheManager
import core.event.EventManager
import core.module.id.{ArtifactId, ModuleId, ModuleRevisionId}
import core.module.descriptor.{Configuration => IvyConfiguration, DefaultDependencyArtifactDescriptor, DefaultDependencyDescriptor, DefaultModuleDescriptor, ModuleDescriptor}
import core.module.descriptor.{Artifact => IArtifact, DefaultExcludeRule, ExcludeRule}
import core.report.ResolveReport
import core.resolve.{ResolveEngine, ResolveOptions}
import core.retrieve.{RetrieveEngine, RetrieveOptions}
import core.sort.SortEngine
import core.settings.IvySettings
import plugins.matcher.{ExactPatternMatcher, PatternMatcher}
import plugins.resolver.{BasicResolver, ChainResolver, FileSystemResolver, IBiblioResolver, URLResolver}
import util.{DefaultMessageLogger, filter, Message, MessageLoggerEngine, url}
import filter.Filter
import url.CredentialsStore

import BootConfiguration._

sealed trait UpdateTarget { def tpe: String; def classifiers: List[String] }
final class UpdateScala(val classifiers: List[String]) extends UpdateTarget { def tpe = "scala" }
final class UpdateApp(val id: Application, val classifiers: List[String], val tpe: String) extends UpdateTarget

final class UpdateConfiguration(val bootDirectory: File, val ivyHome: Option[File], val scalaOrg: String,
    val scalaVersion: Option[String], val repositories: List[xsbti.Repository], val checksums: List[String]) {

	def getScalaVersion = scalaVersion match { case Some(sv) => sv; case None => "" }

final class UpdateResult(val success: Boolean, val scalaVersion: Option[String])

/** Ensures that the Scala and application jars exist for the given versions or else downloads them.*/
final class Update(config: UpdateConfiguration)
	import config.{bootDirectory, checksums, getScalaVersion, ivyHome, repositories, scalaVersion, scalaOrg}

	private def logFile = new File(bootDirectory, UpdateLogName)
	private val logWriter = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(logFile))

	private def addCredentials()
		val optionProps = 
			Option(System.getProperty("sbt.boot.credentials")) orElse 
			Option(System.getenv("SBT_CREDENTIALS")) map ( path =>
				ResolveValues.readProperties(new File(path)) 
		optionProps match {
			case Some(props) => extractCredentials("realm","host","user","password")(props)
			case None => ()
	private def extractCredentials(keys: (String,String,String,String))(props: Properties) {
		val List(realm, host, user, password) = keys.productIterator.map(key => props.getProperty(key.toString)).toList
		if (realm != null && host != null && user != null && password != null)
			CredentialsStore.INSTANCE.addCredentials(realm, host, user, password)
	private lazy val settings =
		val settings = new IvySettings
		ivyHome match { case Some(dir) => settings.setDefaultIvyUserDir(dir); case None => }
		settings.setVariable("ivy.checksums", checksums mkString ",")
		setScalaVariable(settings, scalaVersion)
	private[this] def setScalaVariable(settings: IvySettings, scalaVersion: Option[String]): Unit = 
		scalaVersion match { case Some(sv) => settings.setVariable("scala", sv); case None => }
	private lazy val ivy =
		val ivy = new Ivy() { private val loggerEngine = new SbtMessageLoggerEngine; override def getLoggerEngine = loggerEngine }
	// should be the same file as is used in the Ivy module
	private lazy val ivyLockFile = new File(settings.getDefaultIvyUserDir, ".sbt.ivy.lock")

	/** The main entry point of this class for use by the Update module.  It runs Ivy */
	def apply(target: UpdateTarget, reason: String): UpdateResult =
		Message.setDefaultLogger(new SbtIvyLogger(logWriter))
		val action = new Callable[UpdateResult] { def call =  lockedApply(target, reason) }
		Locks(ivyLockFile, action)
	private def lockedApply(target: UpdateTarget, reason: String): UpdateResult =
		try { update(target, reason) }
			case e: Exception =>
				System.out.println("  (see " + logFile + " for complete log)")
				new UpdateResult(false, None)
	/** Runs update for the specified target (updates either the scala or appliciation jars for building the project) */
	private def update(target: UpdateTarget, reason: String): UpdateResult =
		import IvyConfiguration.Visibility.PUBLIC
		// the actual module id here is not that important
		val moduleID = new DefaultModuleDescriptor(createID(SbtOrg, "boot-" + target.tpe, "1.0"), "release", null, false)
		moduleID.addConfiguration(new IvyConfiguration(DefaultIvyConfiguration, PUBLIC, "", new Array(0), true, null))
		// add dependencies based on which target needs updating
		target match
			case u: UpdateScala =>
				val scalaVersion = getScalaVersion
				addDependency(moduleID, scalaOrg, CompilerModuleName, scalaVersion, "default;optional(default)", u.classifiers)
				addDependency(moduleID, scalaOrg, LibraryModuleName, scalaVersion, "default", u.classifiers)
				val scalaOrgString = if (scalaOrg != ScalaOrg) " " + scalaOrg else ""
				System.out.println("Getting" + scalaOrgString + " Scala " + scalaVersion + " " + reason + "...")
			case u: UpdateApp =>
				val app = u.id
				val resolvedName = (app.crossVersioned, scalaVersion) match {
					case (true, Some(sv)) => app.name + "_" + sv
					case _ => app.name
				addDependency(moduleID, app.groupID, resolvedName, app.getVersion, "default(compile)", u.classifiers)
				System.out.println("Getting " + app.groupID + " " + resolvedName + " " + app.getVersion + " " + reason + "...")
		update(moduleID, target)
	/** Runs the resolve and retrieve for the given moduleID, which has had its dependencies added already. */
	private def update(moduleID: DefaultModuleDescriptor,  target: UpdateTarget): UpdateResult =
		val eventManager = new EventManager
		val autoScalaVersion = resolve(eventManager, moduleID)
		setScalaVariable(settings, autoScalaVersion)
		retrieve(eventManager, moduleID, target, autoScalaVersion)
		new UpdateResult(true, autoScalaVersion)
	private def createID(organization: String, name: String, revision: String) =
		ModuleRevisionId.newInstance(organization, name, revision)
	/** Adds the given dependency to the default configuration of 'moduleID'. */
	private def addDependency(moduleID: DefaultModuleDescriptor, organization: String, name: String, revision: String, conf: String, classifiers: List[String])
		val dep = new DefaultDependencyDescriptor(moduleID, createID(organization, name, revision), false, false, true)
		for(c <- conf.split(";"))
			dep.addDependencyConfiguration(DefaultIvyConfiguration, c)
		for(classifier <- classifiers)
			addClassifier(dep, name, classifier)
	private def addClassifier(dep: DefaultDependencyDescriptor, name: String, classifier: String)
		val extraMap = new java.util.HashMap[String,String]
			extraMap.put("e:classifier", classifier)
		val ivyArtifact = new DefaultDependencyArtifactDescriptor(dep, name, artifactType(classifier), "jar", null, extraMap)
		for(conf <- dep.getModuleConfigurations)
			dep.addDependencyArtifact(conf, ivyArtifact)
	private def excludeJUnit(module: DefaultModuleDescriptor): Unit = module.addExcludeRule(excludeRule(JUnitName, JUnitName))
	private def excludeRule(organization: String, name: String): ExcludeRule =
		val artifact = new ArtifactId(ModuleId.newInstance(organization, name), "*", "*", "*")
		val rule = new DefaultExcludeRule(artifact, ExactPatternMatcher.INSTANCE, java.util.Collections.emptyMap[AnyRef,AnyRef])
	// returns the version of any Scala dependency
	private def resolve(eventManager: EventManager, module: ModuleDescriptor): Option[String] =
		val resolveOptions = new ResolveOptions
		  // this reduces the substantial logging done by Ivy, including the progress dots when downloading artifacts
		val resolveEngine = new ResolveEngine(settings, eventManager, new SortEngine(settings))
		val resolveReport = resolveEngine.resolve(module, resolveOptions)
			val seen = new java.util.LinkedHashSet[Any]
			error("Error retrieving required libraries")
	private[this] def scalaDependencyVersion(report: ResolveReport): List[String] =
		val modules = report.getConfigurations.toList flatMap { config =>
		modules flatMap {
			case module: ModuleRevisionId if module.getOrganisation == ScalaOrg && module.getName == LibraryModuleName =>
				module.getRevision :: Nil
			case _ => Nil

	/** Exceptions are logged to the update log file. */
	private def logExceptions(report: ResolveReport)
		for(unresolved <- report.getUnresolvedDependencies)
			val problem = unresolved.getProblem
			if(problem != null)
	private final class ArtifactFilter(f: IArtifact => Boolean) extends Filter {
		def accept(o: Any) = o match { case a: IArtifact => f(a); case _ => false }
	/** Retrieves resolved dependencies using the given target to determine the location to retrieve to. */
	private def retrieve(eventManager: EventManager, module: ModuleDescriptor,  target: UpdateTarget, autoScalaVersion: Option[String])
		val retrieveOptions = new RetrieveOptions
		val retrieveEngine = new RetrieveEngine(settings, eventManager)
		val (pattern, extraFilter) =
			target match
				case _: UpdateScala => (scalaRetrievePattern, const(true))
				case u: UpdateApp => (appRetrievePattern(u.id.toID), notCoreScala _)
		val filter = (a: IArtifact) => retrieveType(a.getType) && a.getExtraAttribute("classifier") == null && extraFilter(a)
		retrieveOptions.setArtifactFilter(new ArtifactFilter(filter))
		val scalaV = strictOr(scalaVersion, autoScalaVersion)
		retrieveEngine.retrieve(module.getModuleRevisionId, baseDirectoryName(scalaOrg, scalaV) + "/" + pattern, retrieveOptions)
	private[this] def notCoreScala(a: IArtifact) = a.getName match {
		case LibraryModuleName | CompilerModuleName => false
		case _ => true
	private def retrieveType(tpe: String): Boolean = tpe == "jar" || tpe == "bundle"
	/** Add the Sonatype OSS repositories */
	private def addResolvers(settings: IvySettings)
		val newDefault = new ChainResolver {
			override def locate(artifact: IArtifact) =
				if(hasImplicitClassifier(artifact)) null else super.locate(artifact)
		if(repositories.isEmpty) error("No repositories defined.")
		for(repo <- repositories if includeRepo(repo))
			newDefault.add(initializeBasic(toIvyRepository(settings, repo)))
	// infrastructure is needed to avoid duplication between this class and the ivy/ subproject
	private def hasImplicitClassifier(artifact: IArtifact): Boolean =
		import collection.JavaConversions._
		artifact.getQualifiedExtraAttributes.keys.exists(_.asInstanceOf[String] startsWith "m:")
	// exclude the local Maven repository for Scala -SNAPSHOTs
	private def includeRepo(repo: xsbti.Repository) = !(Repository.isMavenLocal(repo) && isSnapshot(getScalaVersion) )
	private def isSnapshot(scalaVersion: String) = scalaVersion.endsWith(Snapshot)
	private[this] val Snapshot = "-SNAPSHOT"
	private[this] val ChangingPattern = ".*" + Snapshot
	private[this] val ChangingMatcher = PatternMatcher.REGEXP
	private def configureCache(settings: IvySettings)
		val manager = new DefaultRepositoryCacheManager("default-cache", settings, settings.getDefaultRepositoryCacheBasedir())
	private def toIvyRepository(settings: IvySettings, repo: xsbti.Repository) =
		import xsbti.Predefined._
		repo match
			case m: xsbti.MavenRepository => mavenResolver(m.id, m.url.toString)
			case i: xsbti.IvyRepository => urlResolver(i.id, i.url.toString, i.ivyPattern, i.artifactPattern)
			case p: xsbti.PredefinedRepository => p.id match {
				case Local => localResolver(settings.getDefaultIvyUserDir.getAbsolutePath)
				case MavenLocal => mavenLocal
				case MavenCentral => mavenMainResolver
				case ScalaToolsReleases | SonatypeOSSReleases => mavenResolver("Sonatype Releases Repository", "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases")
				case ScalaToolsSnapshots | SonatypeOSSSnapshots => scalaSnapshots(getScalaVersion)
	private def onDefaultRepositoryCacheManager(settings: IvySettings)(f: DefaultRepositoryCacheManager => Unit)
		settings.getDefaultRepositoryCacheManager match
			case manager: DefaultRepositoryCacheManager => f(manager)
			case _ => ()
	/** Uses the pattern defined in BuildConfiguration to download sbt from Google code.*/
	private def urlResolver(id: String, base: String, ivyPattern: String, artifactPattern: String) =
		val resolver = new URLResolver
		resolver.addIvyPattern(adjustPattern(base, ivyPattern))
		resolver.addArtifactPattern(adjustPattern(base, artifactPattern))
	private def adjustPattern(base: String, pattern: String): String =
		(if(base.endsWith("/") || isEmpty(base)) base else (base + "/") ) + pattern
	private def mavenLocal = mavenResolver("Maven2 Local", "file://" + System.getProperty("user.home") + "/.m2/repository/")
	/** Creates a maven-style resolver.*/
	private def mavenResolver(name: String, root: String) =
		val resolver = defaultMavenResolver(name)
	/** Creates a resolver for Maven Central.*/
	private def mavenMainResolver = defaultMavenResolver("Maven Central")
	/** Creates a maven-style resolver with the default root.*/
	private def defaultMavenResolver(name: String) =
		val resolver = new IBiblioResolver
	private def localResolver(ivyUserDirectory: String) =
		val localIvyRoot = ivyUserDirectory + "/local"
		val resolver = new FileSystemResolver
		resolver.addIvyPattern(localIvyRoot + "/" + LocalIvyPattern)
		resolver.addArtifactPattern(localIvyRoot + "/" + LocalArtifactPattern)
	private val SnapshotPattern = Pattern.compile("""(\d+).(\d+).(\d+)-(\d{8})\.(\d{6})-(\d+|\+)""")
	private def scalaSnapshots(scalaVersion: String) =
		val m = SnapshotPattern.matcher(scalaVersion)
			val base = List(1,2,3).map(m.group).mkString(".")
			val pattern = "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/[organization]/[module]/" + base + "-SNAPSHOT/[artifact]-[revision](-[classifier]).[ext]"

			val resolver = new URLResolver
			resolver.setName("Sonatype OSS Snapshots")
			mavenResolver("Sonatype Snapshots Repository", "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots")
	private def initializeBasic(resolver: BasicResolver) =

	/** Logs the given message to a file and to the console. */
	private def log(msg: String) =
		try { logWriter.println(msg) }
		catch { case e: Exception => System.err.println("Error writing to update log file: " + e.toString) }

import SbtIvyLogger.{acceptError, acceptMessage}

/** A custom logger for Ivy to ignore the messages about not finding classes
* intentionally filtered using proguard and about 'unknown resolver'. */
private final class SbtIvyLogger(logWriter: PrintWriter) extends DefaultMessageLogger(Message.MSG_INFO)
	override def log(msg: String, level: Int)
		if(level <= getLevel && acceptMessage(msg))
	override def rawlog(msg: String, level: Int) { log(msg, level) }
	/** This is a hack to filter error messages about 'unknown resolver ...'. */
	override def error(msg: String) = if(acceptError(msg)) super.error(msg)
private final class SbtMessageLoggerEngine extends MessageLoggerEngine
	/** This is a hack to filter error messages about 'unknown resolver ...'. */
	override def error(msg: String) = if(acceptError(msg)) super.error(msg)
private object SbtIvyLogger
	val IgnorePrefix = "impossible to define"
	val UnknownResolver = "unknown resolver"
	def acceptError(msg: String) = acceptMessage(msg) && !msg.startsWith(UnknownResolver)
	def acceptMessage(msg: String) = (msg ne null) && !msg.startsWith(IgnorePrefix)