/* sbt -- Simple Build Tool
 * Copyright 2011 Mark Harrah
package sbt

	import Load.BuildStructure
	import Project.{Initialize, ScopedKey}
	import Keys.{resolvedScoped, streams, TaskStreams}
	import std.TaskExtra._
	import Types.{:+:, idFun}

	import sbinary.{Format, Operations}

@deprecated("Superseded by task state system.", "0.11.1") 
object TaskData
	val DefaultDataID = "data"

	def apply[I,O](readFrom: Scoped, id: String = DefaultDataID)(f: (State, I) => O)(default: => I)(implicit fmt: Format[I]): Initialize[State => O] =
		resolvedScoped { resolved =>
			s => f(s, readData(Project structure s, resolved, readFrom.key, id) getOrElse default)
	def readData[T](structure: BuildStructure, reader: ScopedKey[_], readFrom: AttributeKey[_], id: String)(implicit f: Format[T]): Option[T] =
		try {
			dataStreams(structure, reader, readFrom) { (ts,key) =>
				Operations.read( ts.readBinary(key, id) )(f)
		} catch { case e: Exception => None }

	def dataStreams[T](structure: BuildStructure, reader: ScopedKey[_], readFrom: AttributeKey[_])(f: (TaskStreams, ScopedKey[_]) => T): Option[T] =
		structure.data.definingScope(reader.scope, readFrom) map { defined =>
			val key = ScopedKey(Scope.fillTaskAxis(defined, readFrom), readFrom)
			structure.streams(fakeState(structure)).use(reader)(ts => f(ts, key))
	def write[T](i: Initialize[Task[T]], id: String = DefaultDataID)(implicit f: Format[T]): Initialize[Task[T]] = writeRelated(i, id)(idFun[T])(f)

	def writeRelated[T, S](i: Initialize[Task[T]], id: String = DefaultDataID)(convert: T => S)(implicit f: Format[S]): Initialize[Task[T]] =
		(streams zipWith i) { (sTask, iTask) =>
			(sTask,iTask) map { case s :+: value :+: HNil =>
				Operations.write( s.binary(id), convert(value) )(f)
	// exists to keep the method signatures the same (since this object is potentially used but deprecated),
	//   but allow the BuildStructure Streams to be constructed from State, which isn't actually needed here
	private[this] def fakeState(structure: BuildStructure): State =
		val config = Keys.appConfiguration in Scope.GlobalScope get structure.data
		State(config.get, Nil, Set.empty, None, Nil, State.newHistory, AttributeMap.empty, StandardMain.initialGlobalLogging, State.Continue)