package sbt

	import annotation.tailrec

object Tags
	type Tag = ConcurrentRestrictions.Tag
	type TagMap = ConcurrentRestrictions.TagMap
	def Tag(s: String): Tag = ConcurrentRestrictions.Tag(s)

	val All = ConcurrentRestrictions.All
	val Untagged = ConcurrentRestrictions.Untagged
	val Compile = Tag("compile")
	val Test = Tag("test")
	val Update = Tag("update")
	val Publish = Tag("publish")
	val CPU = Tag("cpu")
	val Network = Tag("network")
	val Disk = Tag("disk")

	val ForkedTestGroup = Tag("forked-test-group")

	/** Describes a restriction on concurrently executing tasks.
	* A Rule is constructed using one of the Tags.limit* methods. */
	sealed trait Rule {
		def apply(m: TagMap): Boolean
	private[this] final class Custom(f: TagMap => Boolean) extends Rule {
		def apply(m: TagMap) = f(m)
	private[this] final class Single(tag: Tag, max: Int) extends Rule {
		def apply(m: TagMap) = getInt(m, tag) <= max
	private[this] final class Sum(tags: Seq[Tag], max: Int) extends Rule {
		def apply(m: TagMap) = (0 /: tags)((sum, t) => sum + getInt(m, t)) <= max		
	private[this] def checkMax(max: Int): Unit = assert(max >= 1, "Limit must be at least 1.")

	/** Converts a sequence of rules into a function that identifies whether a set of tasks are allowed to execute concurrently based on their merged tags. */
	def predicate(rules: Seq[Rule]): TagMap => Boolean = m => {
		@tailrec def loop(rules: List[Rule]): Boolean =
			rules match
				case x :: xs => x(m) && loop(xs)
				case Nil => true

	def getInt(m: TagMap, tag: Tag): Int = m.getOrElse(tag, 0)

	/** Constructs a custom Rule from the predicate `f`. 
	* The input represents the weighted tags of a set of tasks.
	* The function `f` should return true if those tasks are allowed to execute concurrently and false if they are not.
	* If there is only one task represented by the map, it must be allowed to execute.*/
	def customLimit(f: TagMap => Boolean): Rule = new Custom(f)

	/** Returns a Rule that limits the maximum number of concurrently executing tasks to `max`, regardless of tags. */
	def limitAll(max: Int): Rule = limit(All, max)

	/** Returns a Rule that limits the maximum number of concurrently executing tasks without a tag to `max`.  */
	def limitUntagged(max: Int): Rule = limit(Untagged, max)

	/** Returns a Rule that limits the maximum number of concurrent executings tasks tagged with `tag` to `max`.*/
	def limit(tag: Tag, max: Int): Rule = new Single(tag, max)

	def limitSum(max: Int, tags: Tag*): Rule = new Sum(tags, max)
	/** Ensure that a task with the given tag always executes in isolation.*/
	def exclusive(exclusiveTag: Tag): Rule = customLimit { (tags: Map[Tag,Int]) =>
		// if there are no exclusive tasks in this group, this rule adds no restrictions
		tags.getOrElse(exclusiveTag, 0) == 0 ||
			// If there is only one task, allow it to execute.
			tags.getOrElse(Tags.All, 0) == 1