/* sbt -- Simple Build Tool
 * Copyright 2009 Mark Harrah
package sbt

import java.io.File
import org.apache.ivy.util.url.CredentialsStore

object Credentials
	def apply(realm: String, host: String, userName: String, passwd: String): Credentials =
		new DirectCredentials(realm, host, userName, passwd)
	def apply(file: File): Credentials =
		new FileCredentials(file)

	/** Add the provided credentials to Ivy's credentials cache.*/
	def add(realm: String, host: String, userName: String, passwd: String): Unit =
		CredentialsStore.INSTANCE.addCredentials(realm, host, userName, passwd)
	/** Load credentials from the given file into Ivy's credentials cache.*/
	def add(path: File, log: Logger): Unit =
		loadCredentials(path) match
			case Left(err) => log.warn(err)
			case Right(dc) => add(dc.realm, dc.host, dc.userName, dc.passwd)

	def forHost(sc: Seq[Credentials], host: String) = allDirect(sc) find { _.host == host }
	def allDirect(sc: Seq[Credentials]): Seq[DirectCredentials] = sc map toDirect
	def toDirect(c: Credentials): DirectCredentials = c match {
		case dc: DirectCredentials => dc
		case fc: FileCredentials => loadCredentials(fc.path) match {
			case Left(err) => error(err)
			case Right(dc) => dc
	def loadCredentials(path: File): Either[String, DirectCredentials] =
			val properties = read(path)
			def get(keys: List[String]) = keys.flatMap(properties.get).headOption.toRight(keys.head + " not specified in credentials file: " + path)

			List.separate( List(RealmKeys, HostKeys, UserKeys, PasswordKeys).map(get) ) match
				case (Nil, List(realm, host, user, pass)) => Right( new DirectCredentials(realm, host, user, pass) )
				case (errors, _) => Left(errors.mkString("\n"))
			Left("Credentials file " + path + " does not exist")

	def register(cs: Seq[Credentials], log: Logger): Unit =
		cs foreach {
			case f: FileCredentials => add(f.path, log)
			case d: DirectCredentials => add(d.realm, d.host, d.userName, d.passwd)

	private[this] val RealmKeys = List("realm")
	private[this] val HostKeys = List("host", "hostname")
	private[this] val UserKeys = List("user", "user.name", "username")
	private[this] val PasswordKeys = List("password", "pwd", "pass", "passwd")

		import collection.JavaConversions._
	private[this] def read(from: File): Map[String,String] =
		val properties = new java.util.Properties
		IO.load(properties, from)
		properties map { case (k,v) => (k.toString, v.toString.trim) } toMap;

sealed trait Credentials
final class FileCredentials(val path: File) extends Credentials {
	override def toString = "FileCredentials('" + path + "')"
final class DirectCredentials(val realm: String, val host: String, val userName: String, val passwd: String) extends Credentials