/* sbt -- Simple Build Tool
 * Copyright 2011 Mark Harrah
package sbt

	import java.io.File
	import java.net.URI
	import BuildLoader.ResolveInfo
	import compiler.{Eval, EvalImports}
	import complete.DefaultParsers.validID
	import Compiler.Compilers
	import Keys.{globalBaseDirectory, globalPluginsDirectory, globalSettingsDirectory, stagingDirectory, Streams}
	import Keys.{name, organization, thisProject}
	import Project.{ScopedKey, Setting}
	import Scope.GlobalScope
	import scala.annotation.tailrec

// name is more like BuildDefinition, but that is too long
trait Build
	def projectDefinitions(baseDirectory: File): Seq[Project] = projects
	def projects: Seq[Project] = ReflectUtilities.allVals[Project](this).values.toSeq
	def settings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Defaults.buildCore
	def buildLoaders: Seq[BuildLoader.Components] = Nil
trait Plugin
	@deprecated("Override projectSettings or buildSettings instead.", "0.12.0")
	def settings: Seq[Project.Setting[_]] = Nil

	/** Settings to be appended to all projects in a build. */
	def projectSettings: Seq[Project.Setting[_]] = Nil

	/** Settings to be appended at the build scope. */
	def buildSettings: Seq[Project.Setting[_]] = Nil

	/** Settings to be appended at the global scope. */
	def globalSettings: Seq[Project.Setting[_]] = Nil

object Build
	val default: Build = new Build { override def projectDefinitions(base: File) = defaultProject(base) :: Nil }
	def defaultID(base: File): String = "default-" + Hash.trimHashString(base.getAbsolutePath, 6)
	def defaultProject(base: File): Project = Project(defaultID(base), base).settings(
		// if the user has overridden the name, use the normal organization that is derived from the name.
		organization <<= (thisProject, organization, name) { (p, o, n) => if(p.id == n) "default" else o }

	def data[T](in: Seq[Attributed[T]]): Seq[T] = in.map(_.data)
	def analyzed(in: Seq[Attributed[_]]): Seq[inc.Analysis] = in.flatMap{ _.metadata.get(Keys.analysis) }
object RetrieveUnit
	def apply(info: ResolveInfo): Option[() => File] =
		info.uri match {
			case Scheme("svn") | Scheme("svn+ssh") => Resolvers.subversion(info)
			case Scheme("hg") => Resolvers.mercurial(info)
			case Scheme("git") => Resolvers.git(info)
			case Path(path) if path.endsWith(".git") => Resolvers.git(info)
			case Scheme("http") | Scheme("https") | Scheme("ftp") => Resolvers.remote(info)
			case Scheme("file") => Resolvers.local(info)
			case _ => None

	object Scheme
		def unapply(uri: URI) = Option(uri.getScheme)

	object Path
		import RichURI.fromURI

		def unapply(uri: URI) = Option(uri.withoutMarkerScheme.getPath)
object EvaluateConfigurations
	def apply(eval: Eval, srcs: Seq[File], imports: Seq[String]): ClassLoader => Seq[Setting[_]] =
		flatten(srcs.sortBy(_.getName) map { src =>  evaluateConfiguration(eval, src, imports) })
	def evaluateConfiguration(eval: Eval, src: File, imports: Seq[String]): ClassLoader => Seq[Setting[_]] =
		evaluateConfiguration(eval, src.getPath, IO.readLines(src), imports, 0)
	def evaluateConfiguration(eval: Eval, name: String, lines: Seq[String], imports: Seq[String], offset: Int): ClassLoader => Seq[Setting[_]] =
		val (importExpressions, settingExpressions) = splitExpressions(lines)
		val settings = addOffsetToRange(offset, settingExpressions) map { case (settingExpression,range) =>
			evaluateSetting(eval, name, (imports.map(s => (s, -1)) ++ addOffset(offset, importExpressions)), settingExpression, range)
	def flatten(mksettings: Seq[ClassLoader => Seq[Setting[_]]]): ClassLoader => Seq[Setting[_]] =
		loader => mksettings.flatMap(_ apply loader)
	def addOffset(offset: Int, lines: Seq[(String,Int)]): Seq[(String,Int)] =
		lines.map { case (s, i) => (s, i + offset) }
	def addOffsetToRange(offset: Int, ranges: Seq[(String,LineRange)]): Seq[(String,LineRange)] =
		ranges.map { case (s, r) => (s, r shift offset) }

	def evaluateSetting(eval: Eval, name: String, imports: Seq[(String,Int)], expression: String, range: LineRange): ClassLoader => Seq[Setting[_]] =
		val result = try {
			eval.eval(expression, imports = new EvalImports(imports, name), srcName = name, tpeName = Some("sbt.Project.SettingsDefinition"), line = range.start)
		} catch {
			case e: sbt.compiler.EvalException => throw new MessageOnlyException(e.getMessage)
		loader => {
			val pos = RangePosition(name, range shift 1)
			result.getValue(loader).asInstanceOf[Project.SettingsDefinition].settings map (_ withPos pos)
	private[this] def isSpace = (c: Char) => Character isWhitespace c
	private[this] def fstS(f: String => Boolean): ((String,Int)) => Boolean = { case (s,i) => f(s) }
	private[this] def firstNonSpaceIs(lit: String) = (_: String).view.dropWhile(isSpace).startsWith(lit)
	private[this] def or[A](a: A => Boolean, b: A => Boolean): A => Boolean = in => a(in) || b(in)
	def splitExpressions(lines: Seq[String]): (Seq[(String,Int)], Seq[(String,LineRange)]) =
		val blank = (_: String).forall(isSpace)
		val isImport = firstNonSpaceIs("import ")
		val comment = firstNonSpaceIs("//")
		val blankOrComment = or(blank, comment)
		val importOrBlank = fstS(or(blankOrComment, isImport))

		val (imports, settings) = lines.zipWithIndex span importOrBlank
		(imports filterNot fstS( blankOrComment ), groupedLines(settings, blank, blankOrComment))
	def groupedLines(lines: Seq[(String,Int)], delimiter: String => Boolean, skipInitial: String => Boolean): Seq[(String,LineRange)] =
		val fdelim = fstS(delimiter)
		@tailrec def group0(lines: Seq[(String,Int)], accum: Seq[(String,LineRange)]): Seq[(String,LineRange)] =
			if(lines.isEmpty) accum.reverse
				val start = lines dropWhile fstS( skipInitial )
				val (next, tail) = start.span { case (s,_) => !delimiter(s) }
				val grouped = if(next.isEmpty) accum else (next.map(_._1).mkString("\n"), LineRange(next.head._2, next.last._2 + 1)) +: accum
				group0(tail, grouped)
		group0(lines, Nil)
object Index
	def taskToKeyMap(data: Settings[Scope]): Map[Task[_], ScopedKey[Task[_]]] =
		// AttributeEntry + the checked type test 'value: Task[_]' ensures that the cast is correct.
		//  (scalac couldn't determine that 'key' is of type AttributeKey[Task[_]] on its own and a type match still required the cast)
		val pairs = for( scope <- data.scopes; AttributeEntry(key, value: Task[_]) <- data.data(scope).entries ) yield
			(value, ScopedKey(scope, key.asInstanceOf[AttributeKey[Task[_]]])) // unclear why this cast is needed even with a type test in the above filter
		pairs.toMap[Task[_], ScopedKey[Task[_]]]
	def allKeys(settings: Seq[Setting[_]]): Set[ScopedKey[_]] =
		settings.flatMap(s => if(s.key.key.isLocal) Nil else s.key +: s.dependencies).filter(!_.key.isLocal).toSet
	def attributeKeys(settings: Settings[Scope]): Set[AttributeKey[_]] =
	def stringToKeyMap(settings: Set[AttributeKey[_]]): Map[String, AttributeKey[_]] =	
		val multiMap = settings.groupBy(_.label)
		val duplicates = multiMap collect { case (k, xs) if xs.size > 1 => (k, xs.map(_.manifest)) } collect { case (k, xs) if xs.size > 1 => (k, xs) }
			multiMap.collect { case (k, v) if validID(k) => (k, v.head) } toMap;
			error(duplicates map { case (k, tps) => "'" + k + "' (" + tps.mkString(", ") + ")" } mkString("AttributeKey ID collisions detected for: ", ", ", ""))
	private[this] type TriggerMap = collection.mutable.HashMap[Task[_], Seq[Task[_]]]
	def triggers(ss: Settings[Scope]): Triggers[Task] =
		val runBefore = new TriggerMap
		val triggeredBy = new TriggerMap
		for( (_, amap) <- ss.data; AttributeEntry(_, value: Task[_]) <- amap.entries)
			val as = value.info.attributes
			update(runBefore, value, as get Keys.runBefore)
			update(triggeredBy, value, as get Keys.triggeredBy)
		val onComplete = Keys.onComplete in GlobalScope get ss getOrElse { () => () }
		new Triggers[Task](runBefore, triggeredBy, map => { onComplete(); map } )
	private[this] def update(map: TriggerMap, base: Task[_], tasksOpt: Option[Seq[Task[_]]]): Unit =
		for( tasks <- tasksOpt; task <- tasks )
			map(task) = base +: map.getOrElse(task, Nil)
object BuildStreams
		import Load.{BuildStructure, LoadedBuildUnit}
		import Project.displayFull
		import std.{TaskExtra,Transform}
		import Path._
		import BuildPaths.outputDirectory
	final val GlobalPath = "$global"
	final val BuildUnitPath = "$build"
	final val StreamsDirectory = "streams"

	def mkStreams(units: Map[URI, LoadedBuildUnit], root: URI, data: Settings[Scope]): State => Streams = s =>
		std.Streams( path(units, root, data), displayFull, LogManager.construct(data, s) )
	def path(units: Map[URI, LoadedBuildUnit], root: URI, data: Settings[Scope])(scoped: ScopedKey[_]): File =
		resolvePath( projectPath(units, root, scoped, data), nonProjectPath(scoped) )

	def resolvePath(base: File, components: Seq[String]): File =
		(base /: components)( (b,p) => new File(b,p) )

	def pathComponent[T](axis: ScopeAxis[T], scoped: ScopedKey[_], label: String)(show: T => String): String =
		axis match
			case Global => GlobalPath
			case This => error("Unresolved This reference for " + label + " in " + Project.displayFull(scoped))
			case Select(t) => show(t)
	def nonProjectPath[T](scoped: ScopedKey[T]): Seq[String] =
		val scope = scoped.scope
		pathComponent(scope.config, scoped, "config")(_.name) ::
		pathComponent(scope.task, scoped, "task")(_.label) ::
		pathComponent(scope.extra, scoped, "extra")(showAMap) ::
	def showAMap(a: AttributeMap): String =
		a.entries.toSeq.sortBy(_.key.label).map { case AttributeEntry(key, value) => key.label + "=" + value.toString } mkString(" ")
	def projectPath(units: Map[URI, LoadedBuildUnit], root: URI, scoped: ScopedKey[_], data: Settings[Scope]): File =
		scoped.scope.project match
			case Global => refTarget(GlobalScope, units(root).localBase, data) / GlobalPath
			case Select(br @ BuildRef(uri)) => refTarget(br, units(uri).localBase, data) / BuildUnitPath
			case Select(pr @ ProjectRef(uri, id)) => refTarget(pr, units(uri).defined(id).base, data)
			case Select(pr) => error("Unresolved project reference (" + pr + ") in " + displayFull(scoped))
			case This => error("Unresolved project reference (This) in " + displayFull(scoped))
	def refTarget(ref: ResolvedReference, fallbackBase: File, data: Settings[Scope]): File =
		refTarget(GlobalScope.copy(project = Select(ref)), fallbackBase, data)
	def refTarget(scope: Scope, fallbackBase: File, data: Settings[Scope]): File =
		(Keys.target in scope get data getOrElse outputDirectory(fallbackBase).asFile ) / StreamsDirectory
object BuildPaths
	import Path._

	def getGlobalBase(state: State): File =
		getFileSetting(globalBaseDirectory, GlobalBaseProperty, defaultGlobalBase)(state)

	def getStagingDirectory(state: State, globalBase: File): File =
		 getFileSetting(stagingDirectory, StagingProperty, defaultStaging(globalBase))(state)

	def getGlobalPluginsDirectory(state: State, globalBase: File): File =
		 getFileSetting(globalPluginsDirectory, GlobalPluginsProperty, defaultGlobalPlugins(globalBase))(state)

	def getGlobalSettingsDirectory(state: State, globalBase: File): File =
		 getFileSetting(globalSettingsDirectory, GlobalSettingsProperty, globalBase)(state)

	def getFileSetting(stateKey: AttributeKey[File], property: String, default: File)(state: State): File =
		state get stateKey orElse getFileProperty(property) getOrElse default

	def getFileProperty(name: String): Option[File] = Option(System.getProperty(name)) flatMap { path =>
		if(path.isEmpty) None else Some(new File(path))
	def defaultGlobalBase = Path.userHome / ConfigDirectoryName
	private[this] def defaultStaging(globalBase: File) = globalBase / "staging"
	private[this] def defaultGlobalPlugins(globalBase: File) = globalBase / PluginsDirectoryName
	def definitionSources(base: File): Seq[File] = (base * "*.scala").get
	def configurationSources(base: File): Seq[File] = (base * (GlobFilter("*.sbt") - ".sbt")).get
	def pluginDirectory(definitionBase: File) = definitionBase / PluginsDirectoryName

	def evalOutputDirectory(base: File) = outputDirectory(base) / "config-classes"
	def outputDirectory(base: File) = base / DefaultTargetName
	def buildOutputDirectory(base: File, compilers: Compilers) = crossPath(outputDirectory(base), compilers.scalac.scalaInstance)

	def projectStandard(base: File) = base / "project"
	def projectHidden(base: File) = base / ConfigDirectoryName
	def selectProjectDir(base: File, log: Logger) =
		val a = projectHidden(base)
		val b = projectStandard(base)
			log.warn("Alternative project directory " + ConfigDirectoryName + " (" + a + ") has been deprecated since sbt 0.12.0.\n  Please use the standard location: " + b)
		else b

	final val PluginsDirectoryName = "plugins"
	final val DefaultTargetName = "target"
	final val ConfigDirectoryName = ".sbt"
	final val GlobalBaseProperty = "sbt.global.base"
	final val StagingProperty = "sbt.global.staging"
	final val GlobalPluginsProperty = "sbt.global.plugins"
	final val GlobalSettingsProperty = "sbt.global.settings"

	def crossPath(base: File, instance: xsbti.compile.ScalaInstance): File = base / ("scala_" + instance.version)