package sbt

	import complete.{DefaultParsers, HistoryCommands, Parser}
	import DefaultParsers._
	import Types.{const,idFun}
	import Function.tupled
	import Command.applyEffect
	import State.FailureWall
	import HistoryCommands.{Start => HistoryPrefix}
	import BasicCommandStrings._
	import CommandUtil._
	import BasicKeys._


object BasicCommands
	lazy val allBasicCommands = Seq(nop, ignore, help, multi, ifLast, append, setOnFailure, clearOnFailure, reboot, call, exit, continuous, history, shell, read, alias)

	def nop = Command.custom(s => success(() => s))
	def ignore = Command.command(FailureWall)(idFun)

	def help = Command.make(HelpCommand, helpBrief, helpDetailed)(helpParser)

	def helpParser(s: State) =
		val h = (Help.empty /: s.definedCommands)(_ ++
		val helpCommands = h.detail.keySet
		val spacedArg = singleArgument(helpCommands).?
		applyEffect(spacedArg)(runHelp(s, h))
	def runHelp(s: State, h: Help)(arg: Option[String]): State =
		val message = arg match {
			case Some(x) => detail(x, h.detail)
			case None =>
				val brief = aligned("  ", "   ", h.brief).mkString("\n", "\n", "\n")
				val more = h.more.toSeq.sorted
					brief + "\n" + moreHelp(more)
	def moreHelp(more: Seq[String]): String = 
		more.mkString("More command help available using 'help <command>' for:\n  ", ", ", "\n")

	def multiParser(s: State): Parser[Seq[String]] =
		val nonSemi = token(charClass(_ != ';').+, hide= const(true))
		( token(';' ~> OptSpace) flatMap { _ => matched((s.combinedParser&nonSemi) | nonSemi) <~ token(OptSpace) } map (_.trim) ).+

	def multiApplied(s: State) = 
		Command.applyEffect( multiParser(s) )( _ ::: s )

	def multi = Command.custom(multiApplied, Help(Multi, MultiBrief, MultiDetailed) )
	lazy val otherCommandParser = (s: State) => token(OptSpace ~> combinedLax(s, any.+) )
	def combinedLax(s: State, any: Parser[_]): Parser[String] = 
		matched(s.combinedParser | token(any, hide= const(true)))

	def ifLast = Command(IfLast, Help.more(IfLast, IfLastDetailed))(otherCommandParser) { (s, arg) =>
		if(s.remainingCommands.isEmpty) arg :: s else s
	def append = Command(AppendCommand, Help.more(AppendCommand, AppendLastDetailed))(otherCommandParser) { (s, arg) =>
		s.copy(remainingCommands = s.remainingCommands :+ arg)
	def setOnFailure = Command(OnFailure, Help.more(OnFailure, OnFailureDetailed))(otherCommandParser) { (s, arg) =>
		s.copy(onFailure = Some(arg))
	def clearOnFailure = Command.command(ClearOnFailure)(s => s.copy(onFailure = None))

	def reboot = Command(RebootCommand, Help.more(RebootCommand, RebootDetailed))(rebootParser) { (s, full) =>
	def rebootParser(s: State) = token(Space ~> "full" ^^^ true) ?? false

	def call = Command(ApplyCommand, Help.more(ApplyCommand, ApplyDetailed))(_ => spaceDelimited("<class name>")) { (state,args) =>
		val loader = getClass.getClassLoader
		val loaded = => ModuleUtilities.getObject(arg, loader))
		(state /: loaded) { case (s, obj: (State => State)) => obj(s) }

	def exit = Command.command(TerminateAction, exitBrief, exitBrief ) ( _ exit true )

	def continuous =
		Command(ContinuousExecutePrefix, continuousBriefHelp, continuousDetail)(otherCommandParser) { (s, arg) =>
			withAttribute(s, Watched.Configuration, "Continuous execution not configured.") { w =>
				val repeat = ContinuousExecutePrefix + (if(arg.startsWith(" ")) arg else " " + arg)
				Watched.executeContinuously(w, s, arg, repeat)

	def history = Command.custom(historyParser, BasicCommandStrings.historyHelp)
	def historyParser(s: State): Parser[() => State] =
		Command.applyEffect(HistoryCommands.actionParser) { histFun =>
			val logError = (msg: String) => s.log.error(msg)
			val hp = s get historyPath getOrElse None
			val lines = hp.toList.flatMap( p => IO.readLines(p) ).toIndexedSeq
			histFun( complete.History(lines, hp, logError) ) match
				case Some(commands) =>
					commands foreach println  //printing is more appropriate than logging
					(commands ::: s).continue
				case None =>

	def shell = Command.command(Shell, Help.more(Shell, ShellDetailed)) { s =>
		val history = (s get historyPath) getOrElse Some(new File(s.baseDir, ".history"))
		val prompt = (s get shellPrompt) match { case Some(pf) => pf(s); case None => "> " }
		val reader = new FullReader(history, s.combinedParser)
		val line = reader.readLine(prompt)
		line match {
			case Some(line) =>
				val newState = s.copy(onFailure = Some(Shell), remainingCommands = line +: Shell +: s.remainingCommands).setInteractive(true)
				if(line.trim.isEmpty) newState else newState.clearGlobalLog
			case None => s.setInteractive(false)

	def read = Command.make(ReadCommand, Help.more(ReadCommand, ReadDetailed))(s => applyEffect(readParser(s))(doRead(s)) )
	def readParser(s: State) =
		val files = (token(Space) ~> fileParser(s.baseDir)).+
		val portAndSuccess = token(OptSpace) ~> Port
		portAndSuccess || files
	def doRead(s: State)(arg: Either[Int, Seq[File]]): State =
		arg match
			case Left(portAndSuccess) =>
				val port = math.abs(portAndSuccess)
				val previousSuccess = portAndSuccess >= 0
				readMessage(port, previousSuccess) match
					case Some(message) => (message :: (ReadCommand + " " + port) :: s).copy(onFailure = Some(ReadCommand + " " + (-port)))
					case None =>
						System.err.println("Connection closed.")
			case Right(from) =>
				val notFound = notReadable(from)
					readLines(from) ::: s // this means that all commands from all files are loaded, parsed, and inserted before any are executed
				else {
					s.log.error("Command file(s) not readable: \n\t" + notFound.mkString("\n\t"))
	private def readMessage(port: Int, previousSuccess: Boolean): Option[String] =
		// split into two connections because this first connection ends the previous communication
		xsbt.IPC.client(port) { _.send(previousSuccess.toString) }
		//   and this second connection starts the next communication
		xsbt.IPC.client(port) { ipc =>
			val message = ipc.receive
			if(message eq null) None else Some(message)

	def alias = Command.make(AliasCommand, Help.more(AliasCommand, AliasDetailed)) { s =>
		val name = token(OpOrID.examples( aliasNames(s) : _*) )
		val assign = token(OptSpace ~ '=' ~ OptSpace)
		val sfree = removeAliases(s)
		val to = matched(sfree.combinedParser, partial = true) | any.+.string
		val base = (OptSpace ~> (name ~ (assign ~> to.?).?).?)
		applyEffect(base)(t => runAlias(s, t) )

	def runAlias(s: State, args: Option[(String, Option[Option[String]])]): State =
		args match
			case None => printAliases(s); s
			case Some(x ~ None) if !x.isEmpty => printAlias(s, x.trim); s
			case Some(name ~ Some(None)) => removeAlias(s, name.trim)
			case Some(name ~ Some(Some(value))) => addAlias(s, name.trim, value.trim)
	def addAlias(s: State, name: String, value: String): State =
		if(Command validID name) {
			val removed = removeAlias(s, name)
			if(value.isEmpty) removed else removed.copy(definedCommands = newAlias(name, value) +: removed.definedCommands)
		} else {
			System.err.println("Invalid alias name '" + name + "'.")

	def removeAliases(s: State): State  =  removeTagged(s, CommandAliasKey)
	def removeAlias(s: State, name: String): State  =  s.copy(definedCommands = s.definedCommands.filter(c => !isAliasNamed(name, c)) )
	def removeTagged(s: State, tag: AttributeKey[_]): State = s.copy(definedCommands = removeTagged(s.definedCommands, tag))
	def removeTagged(as: Seq[Command], tag: AttributeKey[_]): Seq[Command] = as.filter(c => ! (c.tags contains tag))

	def isAliasNamed(name: String, c: Command): Boolean  =  isNamed(name, getAlias(c))
	def isNamed(name: String, alias: Option[(String,String)]): Boolean  =  alias match { case None => false; case Some((n,_)) => name == n }

	def getAlias(c: Command): Option[(String,String)]  =  c.tags get CommandAliasKey
	def printAlias(s: State, name: String): Unit  =  printAliases(aliases(s,(n,v) => n == name) )
	def printAliases(s: State): Unit  =  printAliases(allAliases(s))
	def printAliases(as: Seq[(String,String)]): Unit =
		for( (name,value) <- as)
			println("\t" + name + " = " + value)

	def aliasNames(s: State): Seq[String] = allAliases(s).map(_._1)
	def allAliases(s: State): Seq[(String,String)]  =  aliases(s, (n,v) => true)
	def aliases(s: State, pred: (String,String) => Boolean): Seq[(String,String)] =
		s.definedCommands.flatMap(c => getAlias(c).filter(tupled(pred)))

	def newAlias(name: String, value: String): Command =
		Command.make(name, (name, "'" + value + "'"), "Alias of '" + value + "'")(aliasBody(name, value)).tag(CommandAliasKey, (name, value))
	def aliasBody(name: String, value: String)(state: State): Parser[() => State] =
		OptSpace ~> Parser(Command.combine(removeAlias(state,name).definedCommands)(state))(value)

	def delegateToAlias(name: String, orElse: Parser[() => State])(state: State): Parser[() => State] =
		aliases(state, (nme,_) => nme == name).headOption match {
			case None => orElse
			case Some((n,v)) => aliasBody(n,v)(state)

	val CommandAliasKey = AttributeKey[(String,String)]("is-command-alias", "Internal: marker for Commands created as aliases for another command.")	