/* sbt -- Simple Build Tool
 * Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Mark Harrah
package xsbt

import java.io.File
import java.util.{Arrays,Comparator}
import scala.tools.nsc.{io, plugins, symtab, Global, Phase}
import io.{AbstractFile, PlainFile, ZipArchive}
import plugins.{Plugin, PluginComponent}
import symtab.Flags
import scala.collection.mutable.{HashMap, HashSet, ListBuffer}
import xsbti.api.{ClassLike, DefinitionType, PathComponent, SimpleType}

object API
	val name = "xsbt-api"

final class API(val global: CallbackGlobal) extends Compat
	import global._
	def error(msg: String) = throw new RuntimeException(msg)
	def debug(msg: String) = if(settings.verbose.value) inform(msg)

	def newPhase(prev: Phase) = new ApiPhase(prev)
	class ApiPhase(prev: Phase) extends Phase(prev)
		override def description = "Extracts the public API from source files."
		def name = API.name
		def run: Unit =
			val start = System.currentTimeMillis
			val stop = System.currentTimeMillis
			debug("API phase took : " + ((stop - start)/1000.0) + " s")
		def processUnit(unit: CompilationUnit) = if(!unit.isJava) processScalaUnit(unit)
		def processScalaUnit(unit: CompilationUnit)
			val sourceFile = unit.source.file.file
			debug("Traversing " + sourceFile)
			val traverser = new TopLevelHandler(sourceFile)
			val packages = traverser.packages.toArray[String].map(p => new xsbti.api.Package(p))
			val source = new xsbti.api.SourceAPI(packages, traverser.definitions.toArray[xsbti.api.Definition])
			callback.api(sourceFile, source)

	// this cache reduces duplicate work both here and when persisting
	//   caches on other structures had minimal effect on time and cache size
	//   (tried: Definition, Modifier, Path, Id, String)
	private[this] val typeCache = new HashMap[(Symbol,Type), xsbti.api.Type]
	// these caches are necessary for correctness
	private[this] val structureCache = new HashMap[Symbol, xsbti.api.Structure]
	private[this] val classLikeCache = new HashMap[(Symbol,Symbol), xsbti.api.ClassLike]
	private[this] val pending = new HashSet[xsbti.api.Lazy[_]]

	private[this] val emptyStringArray = new Array[String](0)

	// to mitigate "temporary leaks" like that caused by NoPhase in 2.8.0,
	//   this ensures this class is not retaining objects
	private def clearCaches()

	// call back to the xsbti.SafeLazy class in main sbt code to construct a SafeLazy instance
	//   we pass a thunk, whose class is loaded by the interface class loader (this class's loader)
	//   SafeLazy ensures that once the value is forced, the thunk is nulled out and so 
	//   references to the thunk's classes are not retained.  Specifically, it allows the interface classes
	//   (those in this subproject) to be garbage collected after compilation. 
	private[this] val safeLazy = Class.forName("xsbti.SafeLazy").getMethod("apply", classOf[xsbti.F0[_]])
	private def lzy[S <: AnyRef](s: => S): xsbti.api.Lazy[S] =
		val z = safeLazy.invoke(null, Message(s)).asInstanceOf[xsbti.api.Lazy[S]]
		pending += z

	// force all lazy structures.  This is necessary so that we see the symbols/types at this phase and
	//   so that we don't hold on to compiler objects and classes
	private def forceStructures(): Unit =
			val toProcess = pending.toList
			toProcess foreach { _.get() }

	private def thisPath(sym: Symbol) = path(pathComponents(sym, Constants.thisPath :: Nil))
	private def path(components: List[PathComponent]) = new xsbti.api.Path(components.toArray[PathComponent])
	private def pathComponents(sym: Symbol, postfix: List[PathComponent]): List[PathComponent] =
		if(sym == NoSymbol || sym.isRoot || sym.isEmptyPackageClass || sym.isRootPackage) postfix
		else pathComponents(sym.owner, new xsbti.api.Id(simpleName(sym)) :: postfix)
	private def simpleType(in: Symbol, t: Type): SimpleType =
		processType(in, t) match
			case s: SimpleType => s
			case x => warning("Not a simple type:\n\tType: " + t + " (" + t.getClass + ")\n\tTransformed: " + x.getClass); Constants.emptyType
	private def types(in: Symbol, t: List[Type]): Array[xsbti.api.Type] = t.toArray[Type].map(processType(in, _))
	private def projectionType(in: Symbol, pre: Type, sym: Symbol) =
		if(pre == NoPrefix)
			if(sym.isLocalClass || sym.isRoot || sym.isRootPackage) Constants.emptyType
			else if(sym.isTypeParameterOrSkolem || sym.isExistentiallyBound) reference(sym)
			else {
				// this appears to come from an existential type in an inherited member- not sure why isExistential is false here
				/*println("Warning: Unknown prefixless type: " + sym + " in " + sym.owner + " in " + sym.enclClass)
				println("\tFlags: " + sym.flags + ", istype: " + sym.isType + ", absT: " + sym.isAbstractType + ", alias: " + sym.isAliasType + ", nonclass: " + isNonClassType(sym))*/
		else if(sym.isRoot || sym.isRootPackage) Constants.emptyType
		else new xsbti.api.Projection(simpleType(in, pre), sym.nameString)
	private def reference(sym: Symbol): xsbti.api.ParameterRef = new xsbti.api.ParameterRef(tparamID(sym))

	private def annotations(in: Symbol, as: List[AnnotationInfo]): Array[xsbti.api.Annotation] = as.toArray[AnnotationInfo].map(annotation(in,_))
	private def annotation(in: Symbol, a: AnnotationInfo) =
		new xsbti.api.Annotation(processType(in, a.atp),
			if(a.assocs.isEmpty) Array(new xsbti.api.AnnotationArgument("", a.args.mkString("(", ",", ")"))) // what else to do with a Tree?
			else a.assocs.map { case (name, value) => new xsbti.api.AnnotationArgument(name.toString, value.toString) }.toArray[xsbti.api.AnnotationArgument]
	private def annotated(in: Symbol, as: List[AnnotationInfo], tpe: Type) = new xsbti.api.Annotated(simpleType(in, tpe), annotations(in, as))

	private def viewer(s: Symbol) = (if(s.isModule) s.moduleClass else s).thisType
	private def printMember(label: String, in: Symbol, t: Type) = println(label + " in " + in + " : " + t + " (debug: " + debugString(t) + " )")
	private def defDef(in: Symbol, s: Symbol) =
		def build(t: Type, typeParams: Array[xsbti.api.TypeParameter], valueParameters: List[xsbti.api.ParameterList]): xsbti.api.Def =
			def parameterList(syms: List[Symbol]): xsbti.api.ParameterList =
				val isImplicitList = syms match { case head :: _ => isImplicit(head); case _ => false }
				new xsbti.api.ParameterList(syms.map(parameterS).toArray, isImplicitList)
			t match
				case PolyType(typeParams0, base) =>
					build(base, typeParameters(in, typeParams0), Nil)
				case MethodType(params, resultType) =>
					build(resultType, typeParams, parameterList(params) :: valueParameters)
				case Nullary(resultType) => // 2.9 and later
					build(resultType, typeParams, valueParameters)
				case returnType =>
					val t2 = processType(in, dropConst(returnType))
					new xsbti.api.Def(valueParameters.reverse.toArray, t2, typeParams, simpleName(s), getAccess(s), getModifiers(s), annotations(in,s))
		def parameterS(s: Symbol): xsbti.api.MethodParameter =
			makeParameter(s.nameString, s.info, s.info.typeSymbol, s)

		// paramSym is only for 2.8 and is to determine if the parameter has a default
		def makeParameter(name: String, tpe: Type, ts: Symbol, paramSym: Symbol): xsbti.api.MethodParameter =
			import xsbti.api.ParameterModifier._
			val (t, special) =
				if(ts == definitions.RepeatedParamClass)// || s == definitions.JavaRepeatedParamClass)
					(tpe.typeArgs(0), Repeated)
				else if(ts == definitions.ByNameParamClass)
					(tpe.typeArgs(0), ByName)
					(tpe, Plain)
			new xsbti.api.MethodParameter(name, processType(in, t), hasDefault(paramSym), special)
		val t = viewer(in).memberInfo(s)
		build(t, Array(), Nil)
	private def hasDefault(s: Symbol) = s != NoSymbol && s.hasFlag(Flags.DEFAULTPARAM)
	private def fieldDef[T](in: Symbol, s: Symbol, keepConst: Boolean, create: (xsbti.api.Type, String, xsbti.api.Access, xsbti.api.Modifiers, Array[xsbti.api.Annotation]) => T): T =
		val t = dropNullary(viewer(in).memberType(s))
		val t2 = if(keepConst) t else dropConst(t)
		create(processType(in, t2), simpleName(s), getAccess(s), getModifiers(s), annotations(in, s))
	private def dropConst(t: Type): Type = t match {
		case ConstantType(constant) => constant.tpe
		case _ => t
	private def dropNullary(t: Type): Type = t match {
		case Nullary(un) => un
		case _ => t
	private def typeDef(in: Symbol, s: Symbol): xsbti.api.TypeMember =
		val (typeParams, tpe) =
			viewer(in).memberInfo(s) match
				case PolyType(typeParams0, base) => (typeParameters(in, typeParams0), base)
				case t => (Array[xsbti.api.TypeParameter](), t)
		val name = simpleName(s)
		val access = getAccess(s)
		val modifiers = getModifiers(s)
		val as = annotations(in, s)

			new xsbti.api.TypeAlias(processType(in, tpe), typeParams, name, access, modifiers, as)
		else if(s.isAbstractType)
			val bounds = tpe.bounds
			new xsbti.api.TypeDeclaration(processType(in, bounds.lo), processType(in, bounds.hi), typeParams, name, access, modifiers, as)
			error("Unknown type member" + s)

	private def structure(in: Symbol, s: Symbol): xsbti.api.Structure = structure(viewer(in).memberInfo(s), s, true)
	private def structure(info: Type): xsbti.api.Structure = structure(info, info.typeSymbol, false)
	private def structure(info: Type, s: Symbol, inherit: Boolean): xsbti.api.Structure =
		structureCache.getOrElseUpdate( s, mkStructure(info, s, inherit))

	private def removeConstructors(ds: List[Symbol]): List[Symbol] = ds filter { !_.isConstructor}

	private def mkStructure(info: Type, s: Symbol, inherit: Boolean): xsbti.api.Structure =
		val (declared, inherited) = info.members.reverse.partition(_.owner == s)
		val baseTypes = info.baseClasses.tail.map(info.baseType)
		val ds = if(s.isModuleClass) removeConstructors(declared) else declared
		val is = if(inherit) removeConstructors(inherited) else Nil
		mkStructure(s, baseTypes, ds, is)

	private def mkStructure(s: Symbol, bases: List[Type], declared: List[Symbol], inherited: List[Symbol]): xsbti.api.Structure =
		new xsbti.api.Structure(lzy(types(s, bases)), lzy(processDefinitions(s, declared)), lzy(processDefinitions(s, inherited)))
	private def processDefinitions(in: Symbol, defs: List[Symbol]): Array[xsbti.api.Definition] =
		sort(defs.toArray).flatMap( (d: Symbol) => definition(in, d))
	private[this] def sort(defs: Array[Symbol]): Array[Symbol] = {
		Arrays.sort(defs, sortClasses)

	private def definition(in: Symbol, sym: Symbol): Option[xsbti.api.Definition] =
		def mkVar = Some(fieldDef(in, sym, false, new xsbti.api.Var(_,_,_,_,_)))
		def mkVal = Some(fieldDef(in, sym, true, new xsbti.api.Val(_,_,_,_,_)))
			if(ignoreClass(sym)) None else Some(classLike(in, sym))
		else if(sym.isNonClassType)
			Some(typeDef(in, sym))
		else if(sym.isVariable)
			if(isSourceField(sym)) mkVar else None
		else if(sym.isStable)
			if(isSourceField(sym)) mkVal else None
		else if(sym.isSourceMethod && !sym.isSetter)
			if(sym.isGetter) mkVar else Some(defDef(in, sym))
	private def ignoreClass(sym: Symbol): Boolean =
		sym.isLocalClass || sym.isAnonymousClass || sym.fullName.endsWith(LocalChild.toString)

	// This filters private[this] vals/vars that were not in the original source.
	//  The getter will be used for processing instead.
	private def isSourceField(sym: Symbol): Boolean =
		val getter = sym.getter(sym.enclClass)
		// the check `getter eq sym` is a precaution against infinite recursion
		// `isParamAccessor` does not exist in all supported versions of Scala, so the flag check is done directly
		(getter == NoSymbol && !sym.hasFlag(Flags.PARAMACCESSOR)) || (getter eq sym)
	private def getModifiers(s: Symbol): xsbti.api.Modifiers =
		import Flags._
		new xsbti.api.Modifiers(s.hasFlag(ABSTRACT) || s.hasFlag(DEFERRED), s.hasFlag(OVERRIDE),
			s.isFinal, s.hasFlag(SEALED), isImplicit(s), s.hasFlag(LAZY), hasMacro(s))

	private def isImplicit(s: Symbol) = s.hasFlag(Flags.IMPLICIT)
	private def getAccess(c: Symbol): xsbti.api.Access =
		if(c.isPublic) Constants.public
		else if(c.isPrivateLocal) Constants.privateLocal
		else if(c.isProtectedLocal) Constants.protectedLocal
			val within = c.privateWithin
			val qualifier = if(within == NoSymbol) Constants.unqualified else new xsbti.api.IdQualifier(within.fullName)
			if(c.hasFlag(Flags.PROTECTED)) new xsbti.api.Protected(qualifier)
			else new xsbti.api.Private(qualifier)
	private def processType(in: Symbol, t: Type): xsbti.api.Type = typeCache.getOrElseUpdate((in, t), makeType(in, t))
	private def makeType(in: Symbol, t: Type): xsbti.api.Type =
		def dealias(t: Type) = t match { case TypeRef(_, sym, _) if sym.isAliasType => t.normalize; case _ => t }

		dealias(t) match
			case NoPrefix => Constants.emptyType
			case ThisType(sym) => new xsbti.api.Singleton(thisPath(sym))
			case SingleType(pre, sym) => projectionType(in, pre, sym)
			case ConstantType(constant) => new xsbti.api.Constant(processType(in, constant.tpe), constant.stringValue)
			case tr @ TypeRef(pre, sym, args) =>
				val base = projectionType(in, pre, sym)
					if(isRaw(sym, args))
						processType(in, rawToExistential(tr))
					 new xsbti.api.Parameterized(base, types(in, args))
			case SuperType(thistpe: Type, supertpe: Type) => warning("sbt-api: Super type (not implemented): this=" + thistpe + ", super=" + supertpe); Constants.emptyType
			case at: AnnotatedType => annotatedType(in, at)
			case rt: CompoundType => structure(rt)
			case ExistentialType(tparams, result) => new xsbti.api.Existential(processType(in, result), typeParameters(in, tparams))
			case NoType => Constants.emptyType // this can happen when there is an error that will be reported by a later phase
			case PolyType(typeParams, resultType) => new xsbti.api.Polymorphic(processType(in, resultType), typeParameters(in, typeParams))
			case Nullary(resultType) => warning("sbt-api: Unexpected nullary method type " + in + " in " + in.owner); Constants.emptyType
			case _ => warning("sbt-api: Unhandled type " + t.getClass + " : " + t); Constants.emptyType
	private def typeParameters(in: Symbol, s: Symbol): Array[xsbti.api.TypeParameter] = typeParameters(in, s.typeParams)
	private def typeParameters(in: Symbol, s: List[Symbol]): Array[xsbti.api.TypeParameter] = s.map(typeParameter(in,_)).toArray[xsbti.api.TypeParameter]
	private def typeParameter(in: Symbol, s: Symbol): xsbti.api.TypeParameter =
		val varianceInt = s.variance
		import xsbti.api.Variance._
		val annots = annotations(in, s)
		val variance = if(varianceInt < 0) Contravariant else if(varianceInt > 0) Covariant else Invariant
		viewer(in).memberInfo(s) match
			case TypeBounds(low, high) => new xsbti.api.TypeParameter( tparamID(s), annots, typeParameters(in, s), variance, processType(in, low), processType(in, high) )
			case PolyType(typeParams, base) => new xsbti.api.TypeParameter( tparamID(s), annots, typeParameters(in, typeParams), variance, processType(in, base.bounds.lo),  processType(in, base.bounds.hi))
			case x => error("Unknown type parameter info: " + x.getClass)
	private def tparamID(s: Symbol) = s.fullName
	private def selfType(in: Symbol, s: Symbol): xsbti.api.Type  =  processType(in, s.thisSym.typeOfThis)

	private def classLike(in: Symbol, c: Symbol): ClassLike = classLikeCache.getOrElseUpdate( (in,c), mkClassLike(in, c))
	private def mkClassLike(in: Symbol, c: Symbol): ClassLike =
		val name = c.fullName
		val isModule = c.isModuleClass || c.isModule
		val struct = if(isModule) c.moduleClass else c
		val defType =
			if(c.isTrait) DefinitionType.Trait
			else if(isModule)
				if(c.isPackage) DefinitionType.PackageModule
				else DefinitionType.Module
			else DefinitionType.ClassDef
		new xsbti.api.ClassLike(defType, lzy(selfType(in, c)), lzy(structure(in, struct)), emptyStringArray, typeParameters(in, c), name, getAccess(c), getModifiers(c), annotations(in, c))
	private final class TopLevelHandler(sourceFile: File) extends TopLevelTraverser
		val packages = new HashSet[String]
		val definitions = new ListBuffer[xsbti.api.Definition]
		def `class`(c: Symbol): Unit = definitions += classLike(c.owner, c)
		/** Record packages declared in the source file*/
		def `package`(p: Symbol)
			if( (p eq null) || p == NoSymbol || p.isRoot || p.isRootPackage || p.isEmptyPackageClass || p.isEmptyPackage)
				packages += p.fullName
	private[this] def isClass(s: Symbol) = s.isClass || s.isModule
	// necessary to ensure a stable ordering of classes in the definitions list:
	//  modules and classes come first and are sorted by name
	// all other definitions come later and are not sorted
	private[this] val sortClasses = new Comparator[Symbol] {
		def compare(a: Symbol, b: Symbol) = {
			val aIsClass = isClass(a)
			val bIsClass = isClass(b)
			if(aIsClass == bIsClass)
					if(a.isModule == b.isModule)
					else if(a.isModule)
					0 // substantial performance hit if fullNames are compared here
			else if(aIsClass)
	private object Constants
		val local = new xsbti.api.ThisQualifier
		val public = new xsbti.api.Public
		val privateLocal = new xsbti.api.Private(local)
		val protectedLocal = new xsbti.api.Protected(local)
		val unqualified = new xsbti.api.Unqualified
		val emptyPath = new xsbti.api.Path(Array())
		val thisPath = new xsbti.api.This
		val emptyType = new xsbti.api.EmptyType
	private abstract class TopLevelTraverser extends Traverser
		def `class`(s: Symbol)
		def `package`(s: Symbol)
		override def traverse(tree: Tree)
			tree match
				case (_: ClassDef | _ : ModuleDef) if isTopLevel(tree.symbol) => `class`(tree.symbol)
				case p: PackageDef =>
				case _ =>
		def isTopLevel(sym: Symbol): Boolean =
			(sym ne null) && (sym != NoSymbol) && !sym.isImplClass && !sym.isNestedClass && sym.isStatic &&
			!sym.hasFlag(Flags.SYNTHETIC) && !sym.hasFlag(Flags.JAVA)

	private def annotations(in: Symbol, s: Symbol): Array[xsbti.api.Annotation] =
		atPhase(currentRun.typerPhase) {
			val base = if(s.hasFlag(Flags.ACCESSOR)) s.accessed else NoSymbol
			val b = if(base == NoSymbol) s else base
			// annotations from bean methods are not handled because:
			//  a) they are recorded as normal source methods anyway
			//  b) there is no way to distinguish them from user-defined methods
			val associated = List(b, b.getter(b.enclClass), b.setter(b.enclClass)).filter(_ != NoSymbol)
			associated.flatMap( ss => annotations(in, ss.annotations) ).distinct.toArray ;
	private def annotatedType(in: Symbol, at: AnnotatedType): xsbti.api.Type =
		val annots = at.annotations
		if(annots.isEmpty) processType(in, at.underlying) else annotated(in, annots, at.underlying)
	private def simpleName(s: Symbol): String =
		val n = s.originalName
		val n2 = if(n.toString == "<init>") n else n.decode