

package boot

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final class AppConfiguration extends AppConfiguration

  2. final case class AppID(groupID: String, name: String, version: String, mainClass: String, mainComponents: Array[String], crossVersioned: Boolean, classpathExtra: Array[File]) extends ApplicationID with Product with Serializable

  3. final case class AppProperty(name: String, quick: Option[PropertyInit], create: Option[PropertyInit], fill: Option[PropertyInit]) extends Product with Serializable

  4. final case class Application(groupID: String, name: String, version: Value[String], main: String, components: List[String], crossVersioned: Boolean, classpathExtra: Array[File]) extends Product with Serializable

  5. class BootException extends RuntimeException

  6. final case class BootSetup(directory: File, lock: Boolean, properties: File, search: Search, promptCreate: String, enableQuick: Boolean, promptFill: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

  7. final class Cache[K, X, V] extends AnyRef

  8. final case class Classifiers(forScala: Value[List[String]], app: Value[List[String]]) extends Product with Serializable

  9. class ComponentProvider extends ComponentProvider

  10. class ConfigurationParser extends AnyRef

  11. class Enumeration extends AnyRef

  12. final class Explicit[T] extends Value[T]

  13. class Find extends AnyRef

  14. final class Implicit[T] extends Value[T]

  15. final case class IvyOptions(ivyHome: Option[File], classifiers: Classifiers, repositories: List[Repository], checksums: List[String], isOverrideRepositories: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

  16. abstract class JLine extends AnyRef

  17. final class Labeled extends Line

  18. class Launch extends Launcher

  19. final case class LaunchConfiguration(scalaVersion: Value[String], ivyConfiguration: IvyOptions, app: Application, boot: BootSetup, logging: Logging, appProperties: List[AppProperty]) extends Product with Serializable

  20. sealed trait Line extends AnyRef

  21. sealed class ListMap[K, V] extends Iterable[(K, V)]

  22. final class Logging extends AnyRef

  23. final class ModuleDefinition extends AnyRef

  24. class ParseException extends BootException

  25. final class PromptProperty extends PropertyInit

  26. sealed trait PropertyInit extends AnyRef

  27. final class ResolveValues extends AnyRef

  28. final class RetrievedModule extends AnyRef

  29. final class RunConfiguration extends AnyRef

  30. final case class Search(tpe: Value, paths: List[File]) extends Product with Serializable

  31. final class Section extends Line

  32. final class SetProperty extends PropertyInit

  33. final class Update extends AnyRef

    Ensures that the Scala and application jars exist for the given versions or else downloads them.

  34. final class UpdateApp extends UpdateTarget

  35. final class UpdateConfiguration extends AnyRef

  36. final class UpdateResult extends AnyRef

  37. final class UpdateScala extends UpdateTarget

  38. sealed trait UpdateTarget extends AnyRef

  39. sealed trait Value[T] extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object Application extends Serializable

  2. object Boot extends AnyRef

  3. object CheckProxy extends AnyRef

  4. object Classifiers extends Serializable

  5. object Comment extends Line

  6. object ComponentProvider extends AnyRef

  7. object Configuration extends AnyRef

  8. object ConfigurationParser extends AnyRef

  9. object Copy extends AnyRef

  10. object Find extends AnyRef

  11. object GetLocks extends AnyRef

  12. object Initialize extends AnyRef

  13. object Launch extends AnyRef

  14. object Launcher extends AnyRef

  15. object ListMap extends AnyRef

  16. object Loaders extends AnyRef

  17. object Locks extends GlobalLock

  18. object LogLevel extends Enumeration

  19. object ParseLine extends AnyRef

  20. object Pre extends AnyRef

  21. object Repository extends AnyRef

  22. object ResolvePaths extends AnyRef

  23. object ResolveValues extends AnyRef

  24. object Search extends Enumeration with Serializable

  25. object SimpleReader extends JLine

  26. object Using extends AnyRef

  27. object Value extends AnyRef

  28. package test