/*                     __                                               *\
 **     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
 **    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2003-2009, LAMP/EPFL             **
 **  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |    http://www.scala-lang.org/           **
 ** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
 **                          |/                                          **
 \*                                                                      */

// $Id: Decl.scala 18615 2009-08-31 13:21:58Z extempore $

package scala.xml
package dtd

import Utility.sbToString

abstract class Decl

abstract class MarkupDecl extends Decl {
  def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder

/** an element declaration 
case class ElemDecl(name: String, contentModel: ContentModel)
extends MarkupDecl
  override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder = {
    .append("<!ELEMENT ")
    .append(' ');

    ContentModel.buildString(contentModel, sb);

case class AttListDecl(name: String, attrs:List[AttrDecl])
extends MarkupDecl {
  override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder = {
    .append("<!ATTLIST ")

/** an attribute declaration. at this point, the tpe is a string. Future
 *  versions might provide a way to access the attribute types more
 *  directly.
case class AttrDecl(name: String, tpe: String, default: DefaultDecl) {
  override def toString(): String = sbToString(buildString)

  def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder = {
    sb.append("  ").append(name).append(' ').append(tpe).append(' ');


/** an entity declaration */
abstract class EntityDecl extends MarkupDecl 

/** a parsed general entity declaration */
case class ParsedEntityDecl(name: String, entdef: EntityDef) extends EntityDecl {
  override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder = {
    sb.append("<!ENTITY ").append( name ).append(' ');

/** a parameter entity declaration */
case class ParameterEntityDecl(name: String, entdef: EntityDef) extends EntityDecl {
  override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder = {
    sb.append("<!ENTITY % ").append( name ).append(' ');

/** an unparsed entity declaration */
case class UnparsedEntityDecl( name:String, extID:ExternalID, notation:String ) extends EntityDecl {
  override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder = {
    sb.append("<!ENTITY ").append( name ).append(' ');
    extID.buildString(sb).append(" NDATA ").append(notation).append('>');
/** a notation declaration */
case class NotationDecl( name:String, extID:ExternalID ) extends MarkupDecl {
  override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder = {
    sb.append("<!NOTATION ").append( name ).append(' ');

abstract class EntityDef {
  def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder

case class IntDef(value:String) extends EntityDef {
  private def validateValue() {
    var tmp = value;
    var ix  = tmp.indexOf('%');
    while( ix != -1) {
      val iz = tmp.indexOf(';', ix);
      if(iz == -1 && iz == ix + 1)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("no % allowed in entity value, except for parameter-entity-references");
      else {
        val n = tmp.substring(ix, iz);

        if( !Utility.isName( n )) 
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("interal entity def: \""+n+"\" must be an XML Name");

        tmp = tmp.substring(iz+1, tmp.length());
        ix  = tmp.indexOf('%');

  override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder = 
    Utility.appendQuoted(value, sb);


case class ExtDef(extID:ExternalID) extends EntityDef {
  override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder = 

/** a parsed entity reference */
case class PEReference(ent:String) extends MarkupDecl {
  if( !Utility.isName( ent )) 
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("ent must be an XML Name");
  override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder = 

// default declarations for attributes

abstract class DefaultDecl {
  override def toString(): String
  def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder

case object REQUIRED extends DefaultDecl {
  override def toString(): String = "#REQUIRED"
  override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder) = sb.append("#REQUIRED")

case object IMPLIED extends DefaultDecl {
  override def toString(): String = "#IMPLIED"
  override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder) = sb.append("#IMPLIED")

case class DEFAULT(fixed: Boolean, attValue: String) extends DefaultDecl {
  override def toString(): String = sbToString(buildString)
  override def buildString(sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder = {
    if (fixed) sb.append("#FIXED ")
    Utility.appendEscapedQuoted(attValue, sb)