/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2002-2009, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |    http://scala-lang.org/               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

// $Id: $

package scala.reflect

import scala.annotation.experimental
import scala.util.control.Exception.catching
import java.lang.{ Class => JClass }
import java.lang.reflect.{ Method => JMethod }
import scala.{ Symbol => ScalaSymbol }

/** <p>
 *    A more convenient syntax for reflective invocation.<br/>
 *    Example usage:
 *  </p><pre>
 *    <b>class</b> Obj { <b>private def</b> foo(x: Int, y: String): Long = x + y.length }</pre>
 *  <p>
 *    You can call it reflectively one of two ways:
 *  </p><pre>
 *    <b>import</b> scala.reflect.Invocation._
 *    (<b>new</b> Obj) o 'foo(5, "abc")                 // the 'o' method returns Any
 *    <b>val</b> x: Long = (<b>new</b> Obj) oo 'foo(5, "abc")  // the 'oo' method casts to expected type.</pre>
 *  <p>
 *    If you call the <code>oo</code> method and do not give the type inferencer
 *    enough help, it will most likely infer <code>Nothing</code>, which will
 *    result in a <code>ClassCastException</code>.
 *  </p>
 *  @author  Paul Phillips
object Invocation
  /** <p>
   *    In order to encapsulate anything to do with reflection, we must
   *    overcome an issue with the boxing of primitives.  If we declare a
   *    method which takes arguments of type <code>Any</code>, by the time the
   *    method parameters can be examined, the primitives have already been boxed.
   *    The reflective call will then fail because <code>classOf[java.lang.Integer]</code>
   *    is not the same thing as <code>classOf[scala.Int].</code>
   *  </p>
   *  <p>
   *    Any useful workaround will require examining the arguments before
   *    the method is called.  The approach here is to define two implicits,
   *    one for <code>AnyRef</code>'s and one for <code>AnyVal</code>'s, and
   *    box them in a container which preserves their original class identity.
   *  </p>
  trait PrimitivePreserver[T] {
    val value: T
    val clazz: JClass[_]
  case class PreservedAnyVal[T <: AnyVal](value: T) extends PrimitivePreserver[T] {
    val clazz = getAnyValClass(value)
  case class PreservedAnyRef[T <: AnyRef](value: T) extends PrimitivePreserver[T] {
    val clazz = value.getClass
  implicit def makePreservedAnyRef[T <: AnyRef](x: T) = PreservedAnyRef(x)
  implicit def makePreservedAnyVal[T <: AnyVal](x: T) = PreservedAnyVal(x)
  /** We also require an implicit on scala.Symbol so they appear to contain
   *  an apply method, which packages the method arguments.  The type parameter
   *  is the method's expected result type.
  class SymbolWithArguments(val sym: ScalaSymbol, val args: PrimitivePreserver[_]*) {
    def getArgs = args map (_.value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef])
    def getArgTypes = args.toList map (_.clazz)
    def argsMatch(m: JMethod) = 
      List.map2(m.getParameterTypes.toList, getArgTypes)(_ isAssignableFrom _) forall (_ == true)
    // only called if getMethod() fails - searches private methods too.
    def getDeclaredMethodsOn(x: AnyRef) =
      (x.getClass.getDeclaredMethods filter (_.getName == sym.name) find argsMatch) match {
        case Some(m)  => m setAccessible true ; m
        case None     => throw new NoSuchMethodException(sym.name)
    def getMethodOn(x: AnyRef) =
      catching(classOf[NoSuchMethodException]) .
        opt (x.getClass.getMethod(sym.name, getArgTypes: _*)) .
        getOrElse (getDeclaredMethodsOn(x))

  class RichSymbol(sym: ScalaSymbol) {
    def apply(args: PrimitivePreserver[_]*): SymbolWithArguments =
      new SymbolWithArguments(sym, args: _*)
  implicit def makeRichSymbol(sym: ScalaSymbol): RichSymbol = new RichSymbol(sym)
  /** An implicit on AnyRef provides it with the 'o' method, which is supposed
   *  to look like a giant '.' and present the feel of method invocation.
  class ReflectionOperators[T <: AnyRef](self: T) {
    val clazz = self.getClass.asInstanceOf[JClass[T]] 
    /** Issue call without touching result - returns Any.
    def o(sym: ScalaSymbol): Any = oo(new SymbolWithArguments(sym))
    def o(symApp: SymbolWithArguments): Any = oo(symApp)
    /** Issue call expecting return type R - casts result to R.
    def oo[R](sym: ScalaSymbol): R = oo[R](new SymbolWithArguments(sym))
    def oo[R](symApp: SymbolWithArguments): R = {
      def method = symApp getMethodOn self
      method.invoke(self, symApp.getArgs: _*).asInstanceOf[R]
  implicit def makeReflectionOperators[T <: AnyRef](x: T): ReflectionOperators[T] =
    new ReflectionOperators(x)
  /** Obtain the class object for an <code>AnyVal</code>.
  def getAnyValClass(x: AnyVal): JClass[_] = x match {
    case _: Byte    => classOf[Byte]
    case _: Short   => classOf[Short]
    case _: Int     => classOf[Int]
    case _: Long    => classOf[Long]
    case _: Float   => classOf[Float]
    case _: Double  => classOf[Double]
    case _: Char    => classOf[Char]
    case _: Boolean => classOf[Boolean]
    case _: Unit    => classOf[Unit]