/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2009 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Martin Odersky
// $Id: Scopes.scala 18431 2009-08-02 18:22:20Z odersky $

package scala.tools.nsc
package symtab

// Martin: I am about 1/4 way on a cleanup of scopes.
// The most important change is that scopes are now Iterables.
// This removed the need for the various iterators on ScopeEntries.
// ScopeEntries are conceptually an internal representation detail,
// so it's better not to return them in public iterators.
// It's true that other code also references ScopeEntries but that's
// done for performance (and could be reviewed).
// Another addition is a lookupAll method that returns all symbols with
// a name in a scopein an iterator.
// I still have to remove all the cruft about PackageScope's and the like
// that's a leftover from the old Eclipse plugin days.
trait Scopes {
  self: SymbolTable =>

  class ScopeEntry(val sym: Symbol, val owner: Scope) {
    /** the next entry in the hash bucket
    var tail: ScopeEntry = null

    /** the next entry in this scope
    var next: ScopeEntry = null

    override def hashCode(): Int = sym.name.start
    override def toString(): String = sym.toString()

   *  @param sym   ...
   *  @param owner ...
   *  @return      ...
  def newScopeEntry(sym: Symbol, owner: Scope): ScopeEntry = {
    val e = new ScopeEntry(sym, owner)
    e.next = owner.elems
    owner.elems = e

  // Martin: This code contains a lot of stuff for the old Eclipse plugin.
  // Now it's just needless complexity, which should be eleminated.
  // We should make the elems list doubly-linked,
  // and have scopes inherit from LinearSequence,
  // that way, we need to do way fewer toList than before.

   *  @param initElems ...
   *  @return          ...
  def newScope(initElems: ScopeEntry): Scope = new NormalScope(initElems)

  final def newScope: Scope = newScope(null: ScopeEntry)

  trait PackageScopeDependMap {
    def createDepend(from : Symbol, name : Name) : Unit
  def newPackageScope(depends0 : PackageScopeDependMap) : PackageScope = {
    object MyPackageScope extends NormalScope(null : ScopeEntry) with PackageScope {
      val depends = depends0
  def newTempScope = newScope(null : ScopeEntry)
  class ScopeKind(name : String) { override def toString = name }
  def allocateScopeKind(name : String) = new ScopeKind(name)
  lazy val Constructor0ScopeKind : ScopeKind = allocateScopeKind("constructors0")
  lazy val Constructor1ScopeKind : ScopeKind = allocateScopeKind("constructors1")
  lazy val InnerScopeKind : ScopeKind = allocateScopeKind("inner")
  lazy val FinishWithScopeKind : ScopeKind = allocateScopeKind("finishWith")
  lazy val TypeSigScopeKind : ScopeKind = allocateScopeKind("typeSig")
  lazy val PolyTypeCompleterScopeKind : ScopeKind = allocateScopeKind("polyType")
  lazy val CompoundTreeScopeKind : ScopeKind = allocateScopeKind("compoundTree")
  lazy val FreshArgScopeKind : ScopeKind = allocateScopeKind("freshArgs")
  lazy val LabelScopeKind : ScopeKind = allocateScopeKind("label")
  lazy val TypedCasesScopeKind : ScopeKind = allocateScopeKind("typedCases")
  lazy val TypedDefScopeKind : ScopeKind = allocateScopeKind("typedDef")
  //lazy val ParentTypesScopeKind : ScopeKind = allocateScopeKind("parentType")
  lazy val TypedScopeKind : ScopeKind = allocateScopeKind("typed")
  // have to sometimes use constructor depth unfortunately.
  case class ParentTypesScopeKind(clazz : Symbol) extends ScopeKind("parentType") { override def toString = super.toString + "-" + clazz }
  case class BlockScopeKind(depth : Int) extends ScopeKind("block") { override def toString = super.toString + "-" + depth }
  def newClassScope(clazz : Symbol) = newScope // for use in ClassInfoType creation
  def scopeFor(             tree : Tree, kind : ScopeKind) : Scope = newScope
  def scopeFor(old : Scope, tree : Tree, kind : ScopeKind) : Scope = newScope(old)
  final def newScope(base: Scope) : Scope = newScope(base.elems)
  final def newScope(decls: List[Symbol]) : Scope = {
    val ret = newScope
    decls foreach ret.enter
  def newThrowAwayScope(decls : List[Symbol]) : Scope = newScope(decls)
  // for symbols that don't exist in scopes! 
  def recycle(sym : Symbol) : Symbol = sym
  def newLocalDummy(clazz : Symbol, pos : util.Position) = clazz.newLocalDummy(pos)

  private class NormalScope(initElems: ScopeEntry) extends Scope(initElems)

  trait PackageScope extends Scope {
    val depends : PackageScopeDependMap
    override def lookupEntryWithContext(name : Name)(from : Symbol) = {
      if (from != NoSymbol && depends != null) {
    override def lookupWithContext(name : Name)(from : Symbol) = {
      if (from != NoSymbol && depends != null) {
  abstract class Scope(initElems: ScopeEntry) extends Iterable[Symbol] {

    var elems: ScopeEntry = initElems

    /** The number of times this scope is neted in another
    private var nestinglevel = 0

    /** the hash table
    private var hashtable: Array[ScopeEntry] = null

    /** a cache for all elements, to be used by symbol iterator.
    private var elemsCache: List[Symbol] = null

    /** size and mask of hash tables
     *  todo: make hashtables grow?
    private val HASHSIZE = 0x80
    private val HASHMASK = 0x7f

    /** the threshold number of entries from which a hashtable is constructed.
    private val MIN_HASH = 8

    if (size >= MIN_HASH) createHash()

    def this() = this(null: ScopeEntry)

    def this(base: Scope) = {
      nestinglevel = base.nestinglevel + 1

    def this(decls: List[Symbol]) = {
      decls foreach enter

    /** Returns a new scope with the same content as this one. */
    def cloneScope: Scope = {
      val clone = newScope
      this.toList foreach (clone enter _)
    /* clear the contents of this scope */
    def clear = {
      elems = null
      elemsCache = null
      hashtable = null

    /** is the scope empty? */
    override def isEmpty: Boolean = elems eq null

    /** the number of entries in this scope */
    override def size: Int = {
      var s = 0
      var e = elems
      while (e ne null) {
        s += 1
        e = e.next

    /** enter a scope entry
     *  @param e ...
    def enter(e: ScopeEntry) {
      elemsCache = null
      if (hashtable ne null) {
        val i = e.sym.name.start & HASHMASK
        elems.tail = hashtable(i)
        hashtable(i) = elems
      } else if (size >= MIN_HASH) {

    /** enter a symbol
     *  @param sym ...
    def enter(sym: Symbol) : Symbol = { enter(newScopeEntry(sym, this)); sym }

    /** enter a symbol, asserting that no symbol with same name exists in scope
     *  @param sym ...
    def enterUnique(sym: Symbol) {
      assert(lookup(sym.name) == NoSymbol)

    private def createHash() {
      hashtable = new Array[ScopeEntry](HASHSIZE)

    private def enterInHash(e: ScopeEntry) {
      if (e ne null) {
        val i = e.sym.name.start & HASHMASK
        e.tail = hashtable(i)
        hashtable(i) = e

    def rehash(sym: Symbol, newname: Name) {
      if (hashtable ne null) {
        val index = sym.name.start & HASHMASK
        var e1 = hashtable(index)
        var e: ScopeEntry = null
        if (e1 != null) {
          if (e1.sym == sym) {
            hashtable(index) = e1.tail
            e = e1
          } else {
            while (e1.tail != null && e1.tail.sym != sym) e1 = e1.tail
            if (e1.tail != null) {
              e = e1.tail
              e1.tail = e.tail
        if (e != null) {
          val newindex = newname.start & HASHMASK
          e.tail = hashtable(newindex)
          hashtable(newindex) = e

    /** remove entry
     *  @param e ...
    def unlink(e: ScopeEntry) {
      if (elems == e) {
        elems = e.next
      } else {
        var e1 = elems
        while (e1.next != e) e1 = e1.next
        e1.next = e.next
      if (hashtable ne null) {
        val index = e.sym.name.start & HASHMASK
        var e1 = hashtable(index)
        if (e1 == e) {
          hashtable(index) = e.tail
        } else {
          while (e1.tail != e) e1 = e1.tail;
          e1.tail = e.tail
      elemsCache = null

    /** remove symbol */
    def unlink(sym: Symbol) {
      var e = lookupEntry(sym.name)
      while (e ne null) {
        if (e.sym == sym) unlink(e);
        e = lookupNextEntry(e)

    /** lookup a symbol
     *  @param name ...
     *  @return     ...
    def lookup(name: Name): Symbol = {
      val e = lookupEntry(name)
      if (e eq null) NoSymbol else e.sym

    /** Returns an iterator eidling every symbol with given name in this scope.
    def lookupAll(name: Name): Iterator[Symbol] = new Iterator[Symbol] {
      var e = lookupEntry(name)
      def hasNext: Boolean = e ne null
      def next: Symbol = { val r = e.sym; e = lookupNextEntry(e); r }

    /** Can lookup symbols and trace who the client is. 
    def lookupEntryWithContext(name : Name)(from : Symbol) : ScopeEntry = lookupEntry(name)
    def lookupWithContext(name : Name)(from : Symbol) : Symbol = lookup(name)

    /** lookup a symbol entry matching given name.
     *  @note from Martin: I believe this is a hotspot or will be one
     *  in future versions of the type system. I have reverted the previous
     *  change to use iterators as too costly.
    def lookupEntry(name: Name): ScopeEntry = {
      var e: ScopeEntry = null
      if (hashtable ne null) {
        e = hashtable(name.start & HASHMASK)
        while ((e ne null) && e.sym.name != name) {
          e = e.tail
      } else {
        e = elems
        while ((e ne null) && e.sym.name != name) {
          e = e.next

    /** lookup next entry with same name as this one 
     *  @note from Martin: I believe this is a hotspot or will be one
     *  in future versions of the type system. I have reverted the previous
     *  change to use iterators as too costly.
    def lookupNextEntry(entry: ScopeEntry): ScopeEntry = {      
      var e = entry
      if (hashtable ne null)
        do { e = e.tail } while ((e ne null) && e.sym.name != entry.sym.name)
        do { e = e.next } while ((e ne null) && e.sym.name != entry.sym.name);

    /** Return all symbols as a list in the order they were entered in this scope.
    override def toList: List[Symbol] = {
      if (elemsCache eq null) {
        elemsCache = Nil
        var e = elems
        while ((e ne null) && e.owner == this) {
          elemsCache = e.sym :: elemsCache
          e = e.next

    /** Return all symbols as an interator in the order they were entered in this scope.
    def iterator: Iterator[Symbol] = toList.iterator
    override def foreach[U](p: Symbol => U): Unit = toList foreach p

    override def filter(p: Symbol => Boolean): Scope =
      if (!(toList forall p)) newScope(toList filter p) else this

    override def mkString(start: String, sep: String, end: String) =
      toList.map(_.defString).mkString(start, sep, end)

    override def toString(): String = mkString("{\n  ", ";\n  ", "\n}")

    /** Return the nesting level of this scope, i.e. the number of times this scope
     *  was nested in another */
    def nestingLevel = nestinglevel
    def invalidate(name : Name) = {}

  /** The empty scope (immutable).
  object EmptyScope extends Scope {
    override def enter(e: ScopeEntry) {
      throw new Error("EmptyScope.enter")

  /** The error scope.
  class ErrorScope(owner: Symbol) extends Scope(null: ScopeEntry) {
    /* The following method was intended to be here,
     * but it was written (in two different iterations!) so that
     * it was actually a no-op. That's why I am leaving it comment-out
     * for now.
    override def lookupEntry(name: Name): ScopeEntry = {
      def errorSym = 
        if (name.isTermName) owner newErrorValue name
        else owner newErrorClass name

       super.lookupEntry(name) match {
        case null => enter(errorSym); lookupEntry(name)
        case e    => e